Forum Replies Created
Yep you are right and I realized that part BUT, they are still triggering the accessibility of ‘missing form element’ maybe there is no solution then…. I wondered if there was anything else I could do because all of the checkboxes on that page except one are triggering that same error.
Thank you for looking.
Gosh I’m sorry, busy week! So yes look at this contact page here, you can see I have fixed all of the missing form element accessibility errors except for the checkboxes…
Any ideas? Strange tho they are all coded the same way and there is one checkbox on that page that does not cause that particular error with the checkbox: the form for the Assistant Operations Manager… might be an indication maybe?? Not sure!
Thank you!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Logic] Stopped working with WP 5.8@tintalent Thank you for posting the update!! That will help a ton!
So, with Classic Widgets plugin the interface goes back to how it looked before then also? Will try it on a local site.
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Logic] Stopped working with WP 5.8@garconis Wow ok Uggg I hate using plugins to make plugins work but if it helps for now that is ok … I guess lol!
when I checked a couple years ago, none were quite as useful as this one. ??
… totally agree!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Logic] Stopped working with WP 5.8@garconis I have not yet. I think there might be another ‘conditional’ plugin that might work tho there has to be.. maybe check these out. and
The bummer part is you would have to redo all of your widgets but if these work with blocks… might work..?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Logic] Reported as abandoned by WordfenceI see that the Plugin Author did respond to one of these supports about 5 days ago, hopefully, he will update it so that it works with WP 5.8.
If he does it might stop being reported as abandoned… might be time to find a replacement plugin for this functionality, but I certainly hope not :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Logic] Stopped working with WP 5.8I’m hoping the plugin author will update this as well. Luv this plugin! It seems the widgets are appearing in their correct places it’s just that for new ones you cannot add the Widget Logic Conditional. Hopefully, this will be added back in!
Any input from the author would be super!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA] Banner not showingSame thing here, and why no responses from support?? Seems odd; I’m getting unhappy with this situation/plugin and I used to love it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA] Google Tag Manager: How toI am looking for the same thing! Did you get a solution for this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] event shorthand is deprecatedI just found the same; but this looks nicer:
.on(‘click’, function()
w/ single quotes. Any idea when this might be updated?
Thank you!!
Hello chiming in here:
So I have a few customers with this slider (it’s great luv it but…) I’m also seeing notices when using the JQUERY MIGRATE HELPER PLUGIN which will point out items like deprecated functions in this case; that are being used in the codebase of Meta Slider that may cause issues when jQuery MIgrate script is removed from core WordPress. This site is not viewable to the public but you can still see these: Here is an example of the notices I’m seeing:
It’s finding the following as deprecated:
.hover()Example screenshot: I see some might be different in the GitHub links from above but a few above I don’t think are mentioned
Thank you!!
Thank you for that I am getting ‘yelled’ at for image sizes inside of GTMetrix for the image size of the full-width slider and they are smaller than that, but it’s saying that the images are too big… I find it very confusing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA] Youtube player placeholderI am working thru this same issue, what Cookie plugin are you using by chance? I might be able to help if it’s the same one as I’m using…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Yoast Start SEO data optimization buttonOK thank you for that; so this might be a dumb question but how will I know if that is happening aka how will I know if it is happening in the background or running correctly then?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Yoast Start SEO data optimization buttonOPPS!! Think I just solved it :/ I just redid the configuration Wizard and now that button is gone …? So guess this is a moot question now lol!
Would still love your thoughts on it!
Thank you!!