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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Link to page not workingCan I see a page on your site where you’re using the [gallery] shortcode with some custom links? Right now I’m wondering if your theme is overriding the default gallery with its own code and not calling the post_gallery filter, which is what this plugin hooks into.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Link to page not workingFirst question: are you using WordPress’s built-in [gallery] shortcode, or some other kind of gallery functionality provided by your theme?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Not working…Since the original poster has no further information, I’m going to mark this as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] gallery templateIt looks like where you’re getting $custom_url, you’re passing in $attachment_id, which it doesn’t look like you’ve defined anywhere. A couple lines above that, you’re using a value of $attachment->ID – try replacing $attachment_id with $attachment->ID.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Not working…Try removing the “ignore_gallery_link_urls=”true”” – that tells the gallery to ignore all custom links on the images (the custom links will be used in the gallery by default unless told not to).
Also, you might want to double check that your gallery is calling the “post_gallery” filter. That’s the filter this plugin hooks into to change the links, and the default WordPress gallery calls it, but it looks like your theme or something else is replacing the default gallery code. had a similar issue with a gallery plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] linking from within the gallerySince the original poster has no further information, I’m going to mark this as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Add link to image captionThat sounds like it might be a job for a separate plugin – auto adding a caption would introduce complexities like a) not every gallery layout displays captions, so that might be confusing, b) not everyone would want a custom link to overwrite their caption, c) there would have to be a way to indicate the text that would be linked in the caption, d) making some of these items settings would probably be more complicated than just adding the link manually, etc. etc. This plugin really doesn’t deal with captions, so I don’t feel it’s something within the scope of what this plugin was designed to do, sorry.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Add link to image captionThis plugin doesn’t really do anything with captions, it just changes the link around gallery images, but I believe that WordPress made it possible to put links in image captions around version 3.4.2 or so – but it’s up to your gallery code to use that field. If your theme/gallery code is already using the caption field, I would think you’d just be able to drop the link in there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] How do I output the link?I updated the FAQ page since this question has been asked a few times, but since the original poster has no further information, I’m going to mark this as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] linking from within the galleryI’m not sure I understand – in your example, I see the top left image is set to link to /media/watch/dean-karlan-poverty-measures/ in a new window, instead of the attachment page for the image (or whatever javascript carousel/lightbox display your theme is using). When I click that image, it opens that page in a new tab/window, which is what it’s set to do in the source. How is this different from what you are expecting to see?
If you’re attempting to get the youtube video to show up in the carousel/lightbox display instead of a new page, that’s something you’d need to handle with the javascript for the carousel/lightbox – this plugin just changes link hrefs. Although it appears that the jetpack carousel doesn’t support videos:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Can't get it to workAlso, I’ve updated the FAQs, so you might want to take a look at #5:
The shadowbox can still be there, but WP Gallery Custom Links unbinds all onclick effects and then adds its own on images that have custom links, so it shouldn’t apply to those images.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Can't get it to workDo you have a link where I can see your gallery?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Can't get it to workAre you trying to a) get the link to come up in shadowbox, or b) link to something that opens without the shadowbox? If a), that would probably depend on the capabilities of your shadowbox. If b), make sure the image/gallery is set to remove onClick effects, and if it continues to not work, see the FAQ entitled “I’ve set my gallery to remove Lightbox effects, but they are still coming up. Why?”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] Back Button/Error in ChromeSince the original poster has no further information, I’m going to mark this as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] How to remove Space between two images?Since the original poster has no further information, I’m going to mark this as resolved.