Forum Replies Created
Hi Collins,
Yes, I think you’re right there ??
It’s probably a matter of tweaking here and there.;)Thanks for helping answering my question anyway ??
Because of that, you deserve 5 stars ??
Hi Collins,
Thank you for your quick reply ??
It’s a pity I’m not allowed to upload an image to clarify :/
At the moment (on the admin side, as my site is still under construction, I have Mailoptin displaying an image, at the end of a post. It shows an image along with some text and an input field by which visitors get to subscribe.
Unfortunately, it’s a rather large image that takes up quite some space. Same goes for the pop-up window.The only thing I would love to see is, that there’s a small input field (say, as large as just one sentence) and above the text that says: ‘Sign up for the newsletter!’. This is just an example of course, but it would be great if that would be possible. But then again, maybe I’m overlooking something and it is totally possible already ?? Your plugin is otherwise very good and very complete!
Hi Collins,
Thanks for chiming in ??
By customization I mean the size of the pop-up screen, through which visitors can subscribe to a newsletter. I’m sorry if that wasn’t completely clear ??
If there is such an option, I could not find it?
An example:
To me it would be a great addition, if the field by which one can subscribe to the newsletter was nothing more than one field. As it stands, it appears a bit ‘loud’, although it does grab your attention ??Best,
Hi Uri,
Yes, I’m using the latest Contact Form 7 plugin.
Where should I post a screen capture ? (here on www.remarpro.com, there’s no way to upload)
And because it’s in the admin part of my website, I can’t post you a direct link.
Do you have an e-mail address I can send it to ?Cheers!
By the way, I tried chaging permissions to 755, but that did not work either ?
I have the latest Contact Forms 7 installed