Forum Replies Created
Hi to @blrakademie
I just made demo site for PRO via official plugin page below. was a comment about it in the mid of the page above.
> Try Events Manager Pro for a free test drive for 7 days register a test site and be up and running in minutes!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: save a post as a revision only when I want to?Sorry for my murmuring…
I jsut thought that I should use the hook “wp_save_post_revision_post_has_changed” simply…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: save a post as a revision only when I want to?Thank you for an information @sterndata
The plugin looks interesting to me too.
The revisionized post made by the plugin is in “draft” post_status,
so seemingly I will be able to use it together with my plugin which I am planing.So far, I’ve found a function “wp_save_post_revision” hooked in “pre_post_update”.
Maybe, this will work?1. Add “save as revision” button in post.php screen.
– on_click on it, submit with a hidden param “save_as_revision=1”
2. in “pre_post_update” hook with priority as 9, check the param above
– if the param doesn’t exists, then remove_action “wp_save_post_revision” from hook “pre_post_update”.Anyway, I’ll try it!
Hi Mr.Kitajima
I solved my issue like below.
add_filter('template_include', function ($template) { if( is_page( 'some-specific-page-slug' ) && isset( $_GET['form_key'] ) && (int)$_GET['form_key'] > 0 ){ global $post; $post->post_content = '[mwform_formkey key="' . (int)$_GET['form_key'] . '"]'; } return $template; } );
Seemingly it is woking OK so far.
Do you think it will cause other problem?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MW WP Form] how to retrieve postID of a form entrySorry for my slow reply.
My plugin is done and working, but not quite ready for public because of WP coding rules.
Also, It pushes form data by CURL to Mautic for an integration, not by Mautic API for some reason.
If you still interested in my code, I can share it in some kind of way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] cannot “remove_action”Thank you for the code.
It worked perfect!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] cannot “remove_action”Thank you for your reply!
and sorry for my bad explanation.I am running a cronjob (wp-cron) which does bluk delete using ‘wp_delete_post’.
It deletes 100 and more posts at once,
then all the ‘delete_post_meta’ logs are recorded by WSAL.
But each post have nearly 50 post metas,
so I wanna stop WSAL recording logs for deleting postmeta while cronjob is working.I’ve tried these below.
but they did not work.Pattern A -> not work
add_action('init', 'stop_WSAL_for_cronjob', 1000); function stop_WSAL_for_cronjob(){ if ( !defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) ){ return; } remove_action('add_post_meta', array( WSAL_Sensors_MetaData::HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaCreated' ), 10, 3); remove_action('update_post_meta', array( WSAL_Sensors_MetaData::HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaUpdating' ), 10, 3); remove_action('updated_post_meta', array( WSAL_Sensors_MetaData::HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaUpdated'), 10, 4); remove_action('deleted_post_meta', array( WSAL_Sensors_MetaData::HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaDeleted'), 10, 4); }
Pattern B -> not work
add_action('init', 'stop_WSAL_for_cronjob', 1000); function stop_WSAL_for_cronjob(){ if ( !defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) ){ return; } remove_action('add_post_meta', array( WpSecurityAuditLog::GetInstance()->sensors->HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaCreated' ), 10, 3); remove_action('update_post_meta', array( WpSecurityAuditLog::GetInstance()->sensors->HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaUpdating' ), 10, 3); remove_action('updated_post_meta', array( WpSecurityAuditLog::GetInstance()->sensors->HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaUpdated'), 10, 4); remove_action('deleted_post_meta', array( WpSecurityAuditLog::GetInstance()->sensors->HookEvents(), 'EventPostMetaDeleted'), 10, 4); }
I want to know the right way to remove_action().
The exactly same situation is happening here.
So allow me to report instead.WP : 4.5.3
VF : 1.7.7Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MW WP Form] how to retrieve postID of a form entryI could get ‘saved_mail_id’ and ‘form_key’ !
Thank you so much as always!
Best regards
I am making a plugin for an integration between your plugin and Mautic, and now it’s done!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MW WP Form] how to retrieve postID of a form entryThank you for your reply!
I am gonna try the method you suggested!
What about ‘form_key’?
is there any method to retrieve it within the hook as well?PS
I am gonna use ‘current_filter()’ to get ‘form_key’!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MW WP Form] how to retrieve postID of a form entryI solved it by myself.
Using hook ‘mwform_admin_mail_mw-wp-form-XXX’,
Cast $Mail Object to an array, and get protected values like below.$copy_Mail = (array)$Mail; $Mail_Parser = $copy_Mail["*Mail_Parser"]; $copy_Mail_Parser = (array)$Mail_Parser; $saved_mail_id = $copy_Mail_Parser["*saved_mail_id"];
I know it’s awfully unsmart way, so I wanna know better way to do that.
I wish there will be a method to retrieve ‘saved_mail_id’ and ‘form_key’ easily in a next version of your plugin.
Best regards
I gave it up!
Since I found this post below.
I wish this feature will be included into WP core.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [StaticPress] How to stop fetching files under /wp-include/ and /wp-admin/ ?Reading through the codes, I think I understood your design of this plugin.
So I came to do this change to /includes/class-static_press.php.//$this->scan_file(trailingslashit(ABSPATH).'wp-admin/', '{'.implode(',',$static_files_filter).'}', true), //$this->scan_file(trailingslashit(ABSPATH).'wp-includes/', '{'.implode(',',$static_files_filter).'}', true), //$this->scan_file(trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR), '{'.implode(',',$static_files_filter).'}', true) $this->scan_file(trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR).'uploads/', '{'.implode(',',$static_files_filter).'}', true), $this->scan_file(trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR).'themes/', '{'.implode(',',$static_files_filter).'}', true)
Thank you again for your nice plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Avatar upload/delete not workingHi!
I was stuck on the same problem and found this solution.
Issues when used on the frontend (bbpress specifically)
It is for Simple Local Avatars + bbPress,
but it worked for Simple Local Avatars + Theme My Login in my case.Thanks for m4olivei,
and hope you will b able 2 fix your problem too!Hi! Mr.Scott.
Thank you for your reply &
sorry for my slow response.While you left a comment in Github, I read the codes both of yours and P2.
Now I know, pluign by itself can do nothing to do with this issue as you said.So I decided 2 modify P2’s “functions.php”,
now I have “like” link to all comment-action-links.
(escaping 2lines for depth check in “prologue_get_comment_reply_link()”. )Anyway! Thank you very much for your cooperation!
I hope that New P2 (as O2) will have some hook or filter to control the “comment-action-links”.