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  • I have too the 3.8.1 version , i remember i have updated some plugins recently, yes one by one, and i think all is okk , normally it should work too for bulk , so i think maybe there is a miscompatibility between some plugins, and i suggest to use a plugin to check the compatibility.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: New url Problem

    Thanks Evan!



    Excellent, already such result as 92 % for google speed and 78 % for yahoo , are okk , me i have 97 % FOR GOOGLE SPEED AND 87 % for yahoo !

    you may notice on the parameters on GTMETRIX that they check too the compatibility or the optimization from the side of the code, java script and css , so those codes are related to your theme !!!

    so now if you have made any update for wordpress or for your theme that can be the reason to slow your website , so you have to check with the default theme of wordpress.

    i hope that can help you




    Generally to improve the loading and the speed of a website , we use a cache plugin ( w3 total cache), we use too ” wp Smush it” to improve the sige of images, we use wp dbmanager to manage the request to data base, and also we use webmaster tools to correct all the errors, we set the permalink correctly, so wwe give interest to think to the structer of our permalinks , and we adjust the plugins by using P3 ( plugin performance profiles) to see which of the plugins ask a lot the datbase, and which the best plugins combination to give you best sped , and at the end check on




    Welcome @k00ba



    to make a main menu, you get first on your dashboard>appearance>menus,
    then you get on the page to creat menus or just one menu, so the menu basically it contain as you have mentionned different other components like pages, categories, links.. ( you can set and choose the components that you want to use by clicking on a screen options tab on the top right corner of the page to creat menu. so you select what you want as component, and for the tabs you mentionned you will need just pages.
    to creat pages, you get to dashboard>pages>add new
    the home tab is creat by default, you have to set it to display, as your choice, your latest posts so it will work as a blog, or to display a static page so in your case i think it will be a static page.
    the gallery and contact pages need plugins to be ready to work, so you will get a look on some youtube videos, just 3 to 5 max videos, to get an idea how to choose and search for plugins, and also some for menu customization, the visual aspect will talk with you better, and if you need to customize the form of your menu, search for css code free for menu or also try to look for on youtube.
    i hope that can help

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Trouble with Menus



    i want to participate by some simple idea, maybe they give solution:

    so , try to change your theme to the default one of wordpress let’s to say twenty forteen now with wordpress 8.1, if not try twenty twelve model. by doing so you will first confirm if the problem came from your theme or not, and also you will flash wordpress systeme!
    the second thing to do also to flash the system of wordpress, after every changes update ofcourse and update too the general setting.
    as a last idea, update your wordpress.
    so as recap, the problem can came from a less compatibility between your theme and wordpress systeme, or wordpress systeme sometimes make such trouble so you have to flash it by just clicking update on general setting.

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]



    Hi spacexgen,

    let me participate, i have got a look on your website, it’s good but can really to be improved as all the members have mentionned, your alexa is good too and has got a very nice improvement. Also i want to highlight that you have to optimize your metatag and to add keywords meta, you have only meta title and meta description, but not meta keywords, in addition there is some optimization to do, and to select before that the best keywords against the competition, as you know gadget or any like those keywords are highly competitive!


    [Link removed]



    Hi HSG ,

    The aquamarine blue has brough your website a clean look, let your visitors feel Happy cool . Also i have got a look on your meta, i think it can be very beneficial if you include the second keyword you use on your description , on your title, also if you can reduce your keywords list to 7 or 8 keywords.


    [signature moderated]




    i confirm what have said Amduffy, facebook use Open graph meta tags, or if you want it use the meta that you set for your post , so generally it use the title, description and featured image ( with option to choose some positions for that image or 2 to 3 images from your article) , so those meta are taking from your setting, generally you shoud use a SEO plugin that will help you setting those meta, if you want to manage th meta manually , that also fine !
    so at all case Facebook get what you have already set, if not it choose randomly what he want, maybe according to the size of the images and the count of the paragraph!
    so the solution, in my view, set your meta for your posts !!!


    Thread Starter forestborj


    no i can wait for one or two months ??

    Thread Starter forestborj


    is there any support !!!

    Thank you

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