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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: advanced search functionality?I just started working on a plugin like that last night. I’ve got it here:
Right now it only works if you have the Sidebar Widgets plugin installed. Contact me using my site’s contact form,, and let me know what kinds of things you’d want in a plugin like this.
– Sean
https://www.headzoo.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: Using $wpdb-> to access a custom tableYeah, I do this for most of my plugins that require their own table. At the top of the plugin, just doing this:
$wpdb->myplugintable = $table_prefix . ‘myplugintable’;
Works just fine.
– Sean
https://www.headzoo.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: Need Plugin: Categorize PagesI might look into this. It seems this request keeps popping up, enough so that I would think the WP devs already have something like this in the works. But who knows…
– Sean
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New WP Plugin API Cheat SheetI thought about that too. Or even when you click on a specific action/filter/function, it slides down to reveal a description. Maybe… we’ll see.
– Sean
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Your Top 10 plugins list?I’d have to say Spam Karma for sure, cause not having a spam protection plugin is like walking into a lions den wearing a steak suit.
Sidebar Widgets is another must have.
My own plugin, Edit N Place, because it lets you edit your blog post on the front page of your blog.
Ultimate Tag Warrior for all your tagging needs.
And although technically it’s a theme, K2 is another must have in my opinion.– Sean
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Plugin: LiveHowdy all,
I just put up v0.2. This one makes the plugin a bit prettier, and it shows the referring page for page hits.– Sean
https://www.headzoo.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: ONE link to ONE random post“Warning: there are multiple articles on how ORDER BY RAND() is pretty evil, and NOT something you want to do constantly.”
To be perfectly honest, anything that the RAND() function does is likely a drop in the bucket when it comes to WP’s poor queries. A RAND() query is like a bad pebble in a big pile of bad rocks when it comes to WP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Feedwordpress no link in the single pageCheck the theme you’re using. It’s built into the theme what is shown in the sidebar on the index page, and on single pages.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Different themes for different resolutions pluginkentl,
I would strongly suggest you just let this idea go. You are not even remotely close to being the first person to think of this, not by a very, very, very long shot. But you’ll notice that it’s not being done. Why? Because it’s just not worth it.It *can* be done if you really want. You can use JavaScript in the head of the document to redirect the visitor to a specific URL for their resolution.
– Sean
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: ONE link to ONE random postOh hell.. here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: ONE link to ONE random postOops, the last line in the function should be this:
return $content . “
Random Post“;Forum: Plugins
In reply to: ONE link to ONE random postMySQL already has a RAND() function that you can use for this. This plugin only requires 1 query. Here is the whole plugin. Just copy and paste into a file with a PHP extension, and put it in your plugins directory:
Plugin Name: Random Post
Author: Sean Hickey
Description: Display a link to a random post
$randpost_results = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 20”, ARRAY_A);
$randpost_counter = 0;
add_action(‘the_content’, ‘randpost_theContent’);
function randpost_theContent($content) {
global $randpost_counter, $randpost_results, $post;
$thisPostID = $post->ID;
$stopper = 0;
$randPostID = $thisPostID;
while ($randPostID == $thisPostID) {
$randPostID = $randpost_results[$randpost_counter][‘ID’];
if ($stopper > 20) break;
$link = get_permalink($randPostID);
return $content . “
Random Post“;
– Sean
https://www.headzoo.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin Doesn’t Show Up in Plugins PageI’m not actually sure the site’s search is working. For the past couple days, I’ve gotten no results for *anything* I search for, even things I search for all the time.
As for your problem, have you tried looking closely at the directory structure of a working blog, with the one that’s not working?
– Sean
https://www.headzoo.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: New Plugin: LiveOops. My bad. ?? I’ll have to take a look at the documentation again.
The only thing stopping the plugin from working with WP 1.5, is 1.5 doesn’t include the Ajax scripts that the plugin uses. You can download the scripts yourself from:
Just put the scripts in /wp-includes/js, and add this to the adminjs.php script included with the plugin:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo get_bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/wp-includes/js/tw-sack.js”></script>
Everything should work after that.
– Sean
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: plugins not workingKaySue,
Plugins are written by lots of different people, and they are all unique. Where you configure them also depends on the plugin. Many plugins, after you activate them, will place a new menu under the top Options menu. So after activating the plugin, click the Options tab, and look for a sub tab for that plugin.You do need to activate the plugins. Just uploading them is not enough. From the Plugins menu, you will see a list of all *installed* plugins… just because they are installed doesn’t mean they are activated. You must click the “Activate” link in the far right column. On the plugins menu, you see the rows of installed plugins. If the row is grey or white colored, the plugin is *not* activated. If it is green, it is activated.