Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Extracting info from cookiesno…i’m talking about with php in the coding…=)
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: $user_login?ok i need to get help again…does anyone have any idea how i can get the $user_login to work before the table definitions?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: $user_login?Nevermind all…as usual right when i post a question i find an answer…i believe its somewhere in the get_currentuserinfo() function…ty n e way =)
Thanks alot…yeah it uses GD but just to create the thumbnails.
I am currently working on more layouts and options…when its complete categories will be included…or albums…however i decide to name it? lol.
And the wtf page…HAHAHA! Well thr thing is whenever i delete a picture from the database and you go from one page to the previous…it can’t find that image and displays my “custom error message” lol. (WTF) hahaha, i’m workn on it now.
Xtool if you can program php please e-mail me @ [email protected] and we can callaborate (spelling?) If you can’t, well…just e-mail me anyway and we can get your ideas in this hack. =)Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: livejournal-like, but using WP…Try e-mailing me @ [email protected] then… ??
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: livejournal-like, but using WP…I know exactly what you mean. Like pretend livejournal used wordpress…the network and community was still there but u got all of the wordpress stuff.
I am actually workn towards that someday after i create enough hacks that work well enough that it can become reasonable.
I believe the licensing would be ok aslong as you have source code available…lnguyen go ahead & e-mail me if you wanta talk more about this. ([email protected])Haha…deffinatly not finished!!! I would love as much input as possible tho!
I’m currently havin just 1 problem…
$image_next = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM wp_album WHERE ID < $p LIMIT 1");
if($image_next != ''){
echo"« Prev Image";
echo"« Prev Image";
Sends me to the very first row entry everytime when i want it to send me to the previous one like this:
$image_next = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT * FROM wp_album WHERE ID > $p LIMIT 1");
if($image_next != ''){
echo"Next Image »";
echo"Next Image »";
Sends me to the next one…anyone have any ideas?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress PhotoLoghey laughinglizard…i was doin the same prodject and have the thumbnail navigation done in my prodject. I bet you probably don’t need it but if you do i’ll post.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Features of a PhotoLog?lol…BETA! leave me be…lol
Its in the making…