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  • I have 2 websites using same theme hosted on same server.
    Site 1 (plugin not working): has plugin ver.4.0.1
    Site 2 (plugin working): has plugin ver.3.8.8

    Site 1 behaviour: after trying to submit contact form, the following message is being displayed: ” Sorry, an error occured. ”

    Thread Starter f.michalski


    Some of my results:

     * Environment:
     * 		SIZES: ( set via admin panel )
     * 			Large = 9999/9999
     * 		 	Medium = 786/786
     * 		  	Thumbnail = 500x500 +crop
     *      CONFIG:
     *      	DEBUG_MODE = true
     * TEST 1: Default WP sizes
     * Default WP sizes work fine - pictures are generated and breakpoints work. No errors / notifications
     * TEST 2: picturefill_wp_add_image_size()
     * 		picturefill_wp_add_image_size('full-banner', 1920, 340, true);
     * 		that results in notification Undefined variable: image_size in ...\plugins\picturefillwp\inc\functions-picturefill-wp.php on line 44
     * 		output : default picture
     * TEST 3: add_image_size + picturefill_wp_set_responsive_image_sizes()
     * 		STEP 1:
     * 		add_image_size('full-banner-2',1920 ,340, true);
     *   	Does not produce any changes to output code
     * 		STEP 2:
     * 		$image_sizes_array = array('full-banner-2');
     * 		picturefill_wp_set_responsive_image_sizes($image_sizes_array);
     *   	<span data-src="PATHTO_uploads/2014/06/parnaby_inv.jpg"></span>
     *   	<span data-src="<br />
     *   	<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: full-banner-2@2x in <b>PATHTO_picturefillwp\inc\class-view-picturefill-wp.php</b> on line <b>71</b><br />
     *   	" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-media="(max-width: 1920px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(min-resolution: 144dpi),(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)" class="picturefill-wp-source retina full-banner-2"></span>
     *   	<span data-src="PATHTO_uploads/2014/06/parnaby_inv-1920x340.jpg" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-media="(max-width: 1920px)" class="picturefill-wp-source full-banner-2"></span>
     *   	<noscript><img src="PATHTO_uploads/2014/06/parnaby_inv.jpg" title="parnaby_inv" alt="" class="clearfix" /></noscript>
     *   	<img alt="null" src="PATHTO_uploads/2014/06/parnaby_inv-1920x340.jpg" data-source-index="2"></span>
     *		Undefined index: full-banner-2@2x in <b>PATH:\\wp-content\plugins\picturefillwp\inc\class-view-picturefill-wp.php</b> on line <b>71</b><br />

    So far only the default size works. Adding new sizes breaks the plugin. I will still be trying to figure out a workaround.

    BTW I was wondering that I could make short tutorial/manual how to use/customise this plugin with graphic explaining hooks structure as I think it would make it much easier for guys like me to play around and not bother you Kyle.

    Thread Starter f.michalski


    Kyle, Thank you very much for your answer. I am testing this code. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to post extended results.

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