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  • Also files is an alias for:


    and guid (in database) is in format:

    [“guid”]=> string(75) “”

    My code only formats your query properly to work with hyperdb – works fine with normal wpdb class & others ?? No other changes were made.

    Your query is not working in this case, cause it doesn’t match such regexp due to no spaces between here


    (extracts table_name from query):

    // Quickly match most common queries
    		if ( preg_match('/^\s*(?:'
    				. 'SELECT.*?\s+FROM'
    				. '|INSERT(?:\s+IGNORE)?(?:\s+INTO)?'
    				. '|REPLACE(?:\s+INTO)?'
    				. '|UPDATE(?:\s+IGNORE)?'
    				. '|DELETE(?:\s+IGNORE)?(?:\s+FROM)?'
    				. ')\s+<code>?(\w+)</code>?/is', $q, $maybe) )
    			return $maybe[1];

    I had this error with version 0.5 and wordpress 3.0 (I had to use it). In my case invalid token was there because headers were wrongly seperated from body.

    var_dump($req_token); //  wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_get($req_req->to_url(), array('sslverify' => false)));

    output was like this:

    ontrol: no-cache
    Connection: Close

    I had to change:


    parse_str($req_token, $tokens);


    $req_token = substr($req_token, strpos($req_token, 'oauth_token='));
    parse_str($req_token, $tokens);


    parse_str($after_access_request, $access_tokens);


    $after_access_request = substr($after_access_request, strpos($after_access_request, 'oauth_token='));
    parse_str($after_access_request, $access_tokens);


    $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body($data);


    $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body($data);
    $response = substr($response, strpos($response, '<?xml'));

    Everything works fine since then.

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