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  • Thread Starter Flexibilis


    Kedves Péter!

    Azt írtam, hogy egyes pluginekkel van probléma, nem konkrétan a Barion plugint írtam. óvatosságból kérdeztem, hogy ne is legyen ezzel sem, mert egy webáruházat rosszul érintene egy ilyen probléma. Frissítettem az oldalam, és egy kisebb gondtól eltekintve minden rendben eddig, csak végignéztem azokat a plugineket, amelyek azt jelzik, hogy a kompatibilitás nem az 5.5-ig szól. A Barion plugin is ilyen, egyel?re.


    Thread Starter Flexibilis


    A moderátor nem engedi, hogy feltegyem a log leírását. E-mailben el tudnám küldeni. A szerver admin annyit tudott még tenni, hogy “IP sz?réssel megfogtuk egy olyan hálózatból, ahonnan sok támadás j?tt”.
    Azóta j?tt rendelés, és hiba már nem jelentkezett.

    Thread Starter Flexibilis


    Csatolom, amit tegnap kaptam a szerver admintól:

    [ SNIP! ]

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    Thread Starter Flexibilis


    Rendben, ezt értem is, meg nem is. Mert fura, hiszen ez egy TESZT lenne. Az elfogadóhelyet létrehoztam a teszt szerveren is, de ott a Jóváhagyás kérése gomb szürke, inaktív. Vagyis nem tudok jóváhagyást kérni rá, de ha nincs jóváhagyva, akkor nem lehet tesztelni. Tudom, ez nem a plugin hibája, de hogyan gondolja ezt a Barion?

    (Létrehoztam éles fiókot is a Barionnál és azt el is küldtem jóváhagyásra – nem tudom, mikor jeleznek vissza… Viszont a teszt lényege pont az lenne, hogy lássam a m?k?dést. én nem tudom élesben tesztelni, saját pénzzel. Tesztelje a vev?? Aztán, ha valami nem jó, akkor panaszkodik, én meg kb. nem is fogom tudni, hogy hol a gond.)

    Thread Starter Flexibilis


    Kedves Péter!

    Ez szerepel a logban:
    09-09-2019 @ 13:47:54 – PreparePayment failed. Errors array: [{“ErrorCode”:”ShopIsClosed”,”Title”:”The shop is closed.”,”Description”:null}]
    Most éppen ki is van kapcsolva a tesztelés, mert valaki már persze, hogy így akart fizetni….:-)

    I hope someone can help me.
    The problem: Avada 5.1.6., WooCommerce 3.0.8, WP 4.8 is currently running (the problem was found already under WC 3.0.7 and WP 4.7.5. some days ago). No one can write product reviews or comments to the products or in the blog. Error message comes – “The post was not saved, try it later.”
    I tried on another theme (Storefront) and I turned off all the plugins, but so far nothing has helped. The database was checked with WP, everything is OK. Seems like it is clearly a WP issue.

    Previously, some product reviews were recorded (error message came up then, too), that are currently under “pending”. On the admin page, under the comments menu, on the Pending tab, it shows that there are 7 comments, but if I click on the pending tab, it does not show any comments, saying there is no any comments for moderation. This is the same situation with Spams, too.

    So, the error is on frontend and on the backend as well.

    Otherwise the site works properly as a webshop (2,5 years old on WordPress), there is no any other problem about which I know for now.

    My site is not a wpml. So the wpml plugin cannot cause the issue.

    If you could help me with ideas, would be highly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Flexibilis


    Thank you for answering. The problem is not so simple unfortunately. Here it is: I have the courier service set up now. For this I installed a table rate plugin, so that aboove a determined amount there would be free shipping. It is now over 10000 HUF cart total. So basically I have two options now (both with the courier), a charge under the 10000 HUF cart total and free shipping over 10000HUF cart total. In the meantime we made a package of different products of which value is not reaching the 10000HUF, but since it is quite expensive, we offer the free shipping with your plugin. I use it with marking the checkbox of “hide the other shipping methods”. In this case it works fine.
    If I unmark the checkbox at “hide the other shipping methods” then if I put the packaged product into the cart, then on the cart page I will have a roll down menu with showing the two options of courier shipping, one with the charge and also the other with the free solution. (If I would set up the postal service as well with the same table rate solution, then in this “unmarked” solution I would have 4 different options, two charged and two free options and the customer should select.) This is not good this way, it would confuse the customers. So, this is my problem. Maybe I expect too much from woocommerce – which is free, you know.
    Do you have any idea how to solve it?

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