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  • Thread Starter FlashUK


    Thank you for linking the code snippet, didn’t find that while I was googling!

    Very useful ??

    It makes more sense than what I put – I realise you just drop the ref to “my-account” which allows you to adjust the permissions.

    FYI, anyone else using WC Vendors Pro who wants to add the buttons to the “Order” dashboard section, use the code below:

    add_filter('wcv_orders_add_new_row', function($new_row){
    	if ( !class_exists( 'WooCommerce_PDF_Invoices' ) ) {
    		return false;
    	$order_id = $new_row->order_number;
    	$order = new WC_Order ( $order_id );
    	$vendor_pdf_actions = array(
    		'invoice'       => array (
    			'class'     => 'button tips wpo_wcpdf invoice',
    			'url'       => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=generate_wpo_wcpdf&template_type=invoice&order_ids=' . $order->id ), 'generate_wpo_wcpdf' ),
    			'label'		=> sprintf( '<img src="%s" width="16">', WooCommerce_PDF_Invoices::$plugin_url . 'images/invoice.png'),
    			'target'    => '_blank'
    		'packing-slip'       => array (
    			'class'     => 'button tips wpo_wcpdf packing-slip',
    			'url'       => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=generate_wpo_wcpdf&template_type=packing-slip&order_ids=' . $order->id ), 'generate_wpo_wcpdf' ),
    			'label'		=> sprintf( '<img src="%s" width="16">', WooCommerce_PDF_Invoices::$plugin_url . 'images/packing-slip.png'),
    			'target'    => '_blank'
    	$new_row->row_actions = array_merge($new_row->row_actions, $vendor_pdf_actions);
    	return $new_row;
    }, 10, 1);


    Word of warning: You should never disable the ‘autosave’ function like this.

    Because it will ‘break’ the preview function for posts.

    Instead edit your wp-config.php to contain the following:

    define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 86400 ); // seconds (Default: 1 day)

    Put the interval time as long as you want.


    You will want this code instead. The error handling is a mess and would advise redoing it. This was a quick hack to get it working.

    [32 lines of code moderated as per the Forum Rules. The maximum number of lines of code that you can post in these forums is ten lines. Please use the pastebin]

    On further investigation, I noticed that the file wasn’t importing properly (folder permissions).

    So I wrote a patch for the code in class-config.php.
    Line: 412

    $file = wp_handle_upload($_FILES['settings_import_file']);
    				if ( isset( $file['file'] ) && !is_wp_error($file) ) {
    					require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php');
    					$zip = new PclZip( $file['file'] );
                        $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    					$unzipped = $zip->extract( $upload_dir['path'] );
    					if ( $unzipped[0]['stored_filename'] == 'settings.ini' ) {
    						$options = parse_ini_file( $unzipped[0]['stored_filename'] , true );
    						foreach ($options as $name => $optgroup) {
    							if ($name != 'wpseo_taxonomy_meta') {
    								update_option($name, $optgroup);
    							} else {
    								update_option($name, json_decode( urldecode( $optgroup['wpseo_taxonomy_meta'] ), true ) );
    						@unlink( $file['file'] ); // Remove archive file
    						$content .= '<p><strong>'.__('Settings successfully imported.', 'wordpress-seo' ).'</strong></p>';
    					} else {
    						$content .= '<p><strong>'.__('Settings could not be imported:', 'wordpress-seo' ).' '.__('Unzipping failed.', 'wordpress-seo' ).'</strong></p>';
    				} else {
    					if ( is_wp_error($file) )
    						$content .= '<p><strong>'.__('Settings could not be imported:', 'wordpress-seo' ).' '.$file['error'].'</strong></p>';
    						$content .= '<p><strong>'.__('Settings could not be imported:', 'wordpress-seo' ).' '.__('Upload failed.', 'wordpress-seo' ).'</strong></p>';

    That works for MU but will need testing on standalone installations. It’s probably correct because it uses wp_upload_dir().

    Thanks for the great plugin as always ??

    Found the answer to this – WordPress MU denies .zip files by default.

    You need to go to:
    Network Admin > Settings > Upload file types

    Then add zip to the exception list.

    Then try again. You can now upload your settings file.

    Bumping this topic. We’ve also found these errors.

    We enable WP_DEBUG for local testing and would be grateful if you could fix these on this plugin, as we do use it on our commercial sites.

    Thread Starter FlashUK


    I would love to help but I can see there is a lot of changes from our version control.

    I am already on deadline for a project and can’t spare any time.

    To reproduce the problem you should:
    * Create an Editor account and another test editor account
    * Use Multisite and create a blog
    * Assign those users to the blog so there is multiple authors
    * Add/Edit post and show “Authors” dropdown (enable it through Screen Options)

    You will notice that if you logged in as an Admin, you can see the dropdown. If you are an Editor, you cannot.

    Actually, taking a closer look, the solution isn’t correct.

    According to the documentation, Yoast has not used the function correctly.

    File: wordpress-seo/inc/wpseo-non-ajax-functions.php
    Line: 122

    His code is:

    A value must be set for the first parameter. The correct code is:
    get_admin_url(null, 'admin.php?page=wpseo_dashboard')

    This will stop the unnecessary error occurring.

    Yoast, I hope you see this – Thanks.

    Thread Starter FlashUK


    As promised.

    I haven’t added new features but I fixed the existing code.

    Enjoy Download fixed version

    Fixed it. Originally I took my example from but didn’t add any filtering for the category or the home page.

    Here is the updated code:

    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_get_posts' );
    function my_get_posts($query) {
        // Alters the main query to include different post-types by default everywhere
        // Useful when you want to mash up everything into the same feed
    	if ( !is_admin() && false == $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) {
            if (is_category() OR is_home()) {
                // Add your different post-types below ie. reviews, previews etc.
                $query->set('post_type', array( 'post', 'review' ) );
    	return $query;

    Tracked it down to the following code in my theme:

    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_get_posts' );
    function my_get_posts($query) {
        // Alters the main query to include different post-types by default everywhere
        // Useful when you want to mash up everything into the same feed
    	if ( !is_admin() && false == $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) {
            // Add your different post-types below ie. reviews, previews etc.
            $query->set('post_type', array(
    	return $query;

    Looking at how to fix it.

    I have the same problem but have not found a solution yet.

    The same problem still occurs on my localhost. The Super Admin can preview posts but other users, even one’s with Editor permission, still cannot preview posts.

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Use of Hyperdb

    The current setup of HyperDB is even simpler than that.

    Copy the db-config.php file to you’re main directory (where wp-config.php is, it overrides these settings) and copy db.php into the wp-content folder – and away you go.

    The post you linked to is quite old.

    Refer to the comments in the code and README file for up-to-date instructions. I may post some examples later.

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