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  • Hi,
    Quick idea for you… I think your <H2> is being treated as a “solid”, so to speak. If so, it’s actually quite wide and is bleeding into #content. This is invisible to the eye. The other browsers may have “thought” of this, and don’t do that.

    Something you can try… making that <H2> less solid. Note the “display” line below.

    #sidebar h2 {

    Good luck, D

    I think the simple answer lies in WP’s design. Generally Pages go into a menu, not Posts. Posts are the “recent articles” and “news”, whereas the Pages are “permanent” stuff. This is over-generalizing, but illustrates the point.

    That said, there are various WP functions to get Categories (and other things) to show up in a menu, as the theme developer has apparently done. You can look into editing the theme (possibly in header.php) and digging into WP function docs, but that may be more hacking than you’d like to do.

    The easy thing would be to try using Pages for what you want in the menu, and see if that gives you what you need. On my own Homepage, I don’t use Posts at all, only Pages, whereas on my blogs I use Posts a whole lot, and accordingly, they don’t appear in the menu.

    Oh, and I forget to mention that you can organize your pages so that you have “subpages” under a Page – if your theme developer has kindly coded for it (by no means certain!), you will get an instant dropdown menu doing this! When you edit a Page, you’ll see a setting for Parent, and this is where you do this. It’s awesome.

    Good luck, Dave

    I don’t know which Gallery app you’re using, but generally WP will give you a list of Post summaries, which is what you’re seeing, and you do have to view the full Post to see the content. Standard procedure: WP will grab a chunk of your post (or the text excerpt if you fill that in), but I don’t know of a quickie way to get an IMG in the excerpt. Someone else might.

    I would check your Gallery’s documentation, and see if there’s a way to get thumbnails in your Post Summary for the gallery.

    btw, this is just my opinion, but I was very put off by having the auto-running music. (even though the music actually sounded decent, I strongly, strongly dislike it when the site owner “decides” this for me)

    Good luck.

    If you’re getting that, I would assume that you’ve never run WP on this server before. That sounds like your server is not parsing PHP, which is necessary to run WP. I would check with your host and see if they have PHP installed and running.

    If you have run WP on this box before, I would look in the root directory of this site and see if there’s an errant .htaccess file. An incorrectly coded one could mess this up, too.

    Just about any Linux/Unix hosting has PHP installed and running. Even Windows servers usually do nowadays (I think).

    I have just been researching WP shopping cart apps. This is a somewhat grey area, and I haven’t seen much that’s rock-solid. The most popular one, WP E-commerce, is pretty good, but I can see why it gets mixed reviews… even though it’s very popular, it seems a little buggy and kludgy. Also, to get extra functionality, they have paid modules.

    Regarding your question, this app has Paypal and Google Checkout. You pay extra for a bunch of other gateways:

    For other ideas of varying quality, in plugins try a search on “ecommerce”, “e-commerce”, or “shopping”. Indeed, most only offer Paypal and possibly Google checkout.

    Good luck.

    Not exactly sure, but I have a couple thoughts. You have Meta Description tags twice. The one that you filled with “All In One” goodies is at the bottom. Maybe Google is docking you for having it twice.

    If you edit your themes header.php, you should be able to find the first Meta Description so you can comment it out or delete it.

    Also, the bigger Description is very heavy on the “sales pitch” style… I don’t necessarily think Google would dock you for this, but I wouldn’t use that style myself.

    Some SEO person might have other better ideas.
    Namaste, Dave

    Ouch, what a lot of errors. They have one thing in common:
    open_basedir restriction in effect

    This generally means that Safe Mode is running and having a problem with something, and from the errors you’re seeing, it looks like WP is trying and failing to make temp files for the install. I would ask your host if they can turn off Safe Mode. Safe Mode is so last century!

    btw, if you’re running 2.7, you must be using a plugin for auto upgrade…. if so, I would very much doubt that this could handle doing 2.7 to 2.9.1. That may be a bigger problem than having Safe Mode on.

    You may be stuck with doing an old-fashioned WP upgrade, doing the FTP upload and so on. Crossing that many upgrades, I would read this carefully before trying anything else:

    I just started using Carrington, mainly as an experiment with one of my own blogs. I got the same result as you when I tried changing the Carrington setting (under Appearance) for adding an IMG to the header. My first thought was that Carrington, like other “framework-y” themes, would have an easy spot to override the CSS. Apparently not! What is frustrating is that I know exactly what has to be done, but not where to do it. The block of CSS below will allow the height of the image holder to be adjusted (change to taste, obviously).

    #header .wrapper  {
      height: 150px;

    But wow, I tried to find a place to put this change, and the CSS created on-the-fly by Carrington overrides it. I even tried editing the CSS files on the server under the theme in /CSS, and had no joy. Lots of README files, no help. So I think, unfortunately, you’ll have to check the Carrington forum for help. Watch, they’ll tell you, oh, that’s so easy….

    Classic example of an immensely powerful system becoming very hard to update. It’s an amazing theme, but I think I’ll stick with Thematic.

    Good luck.

    Ah, you’ve got encrypted theme code. Yuck. ??

    At the very top of this forum there are Encrypted Theme tips. Check those out, and that should help.

    Good luck, D

    No estoy seguro, pero tengos unos ideas… first, do a backup. ??

    You will need the language file. I believe the one you want is:
    … and it should be placed in this folder (which you may not have yet):

    To get the file, it looks like it can be found in the download here for WP 2.9.1:

    Then you need to look at wp-config.php. You’ll see a setting in there called WPLANG, which you can change from nothing (the English default) – I believe that it’s “es_ES”.

    That should work. There may still be plugins and other things still in English. Here are some more links that may help:

    Good luck,
    Ciao, Dave

    This little beauty is a great way to handle that. btw, it’s for Pages, not Posts.

    WP is fantastic, but I’m always intrigued that this sort of thing isn’t built-in like it is with other systems I use.

    Yes, possibly. This Simple Pie thing must require a bunch of memory. I’ve noticed a lot of people have trouble with this plugin.

    Assuming you’re running on PHP, memory_limit is the setting that likely relates to this. It looks like you have a 2M limit, which is a little stingy. I would check with your host tech support about raising that. They may simply raise it for you, or they may suggest doing it on the server in either the php.ini or .htaccess files, and they would provide instructions.

    Good luck!

    Both the comment link and the RIDE link are borked, and actually are bad HTML.

    My first guess… you may have funky permalinks settings (or a funky .HTACCESS file). I say that because other links on that page are invalid, too. The easiest way to test that would be to go back to “Default” permanlink settings. Go to Settings… Permalinks for that. If that fixes all your links, then you could try the other permalink options. If none work, you may have a bad HTACCESS file. Generally I believe that WP will generate the HTACCESSS, and some hosts don’t like them, and that gets a little messy unless you enjoy editing HTACCESS.

    Good luck, Dave

    Hmm, Media Temple usually runs WP pretty quickly. If it’s any consolation, your site is very quick from where I am.

    I have guesses… the first is that there is a plugin conflict. Had you added one recently? I would try disabling them one at a time and testing. I’ve also found cacheing to be sometimes tricky to get working, and very sensitive to upgrades and other plugins. I have one client who is absolutely plugin crazy, so when he carelessly does upgrades, boom, his site has been borked.

    Another think to check would be your tables. I use PHPMyAdmin to check and repair them. If I haven’t checked in awhile, sometimes tables can get pretty stale. I can’t recall if Media Temple has PHPMyAdmin, but chances are they have the equivalent database tool, and you can check it out.

    Good luck! D

    That’s CSS, btw, and should be specific enough to work in any of those CSS files.

    About the SEO thing, I don’t know.

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