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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: no paragraph tags!!Generally, any time you switch from the HTML view to the Visual Editor, invalid HTML will be removed. You can get around this by saving in HTML and then never switching back to the visual editor. Not perfect, but it works.
However, lerizzle is right, the proper way to do this is in the style sheet (style.css)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: making the READ MORE button appear automaticly after XX wordsAs far as I know, you’ll need a theme that supports this feature, or a plugin that adds it, as it is not build into WordPress.
I know that all StudioPress themes have this setting, but not sure about free themes here in the WordPress repository.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I back up my databaseI’ve used WP-DB-Backup on many sites, and it works like a charm.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Should I just leave it alone?It’s still a pretty prevalent browser, so I’d probably do something about it. It’s probably easier to try a different theme, and find one that works in IE8 (perhaps the default Twenty Eleven?) than it is to try and fix this one. Unless you’re good at CSS, it may not be worth the effort.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to add images on Mac, 3.2.1Out of curiosity, does it work when you use a PC?
On your Mac, does it act like this in every browser? I.E., Chrome and Firefox and Safari?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error Establishing a Database Connection ( heard of them, but yeah, I’d switch. Regular database problems like that just shouldn’t happen on a healthy system.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changed host, can't upload images.Possibly the old media settings are in effect from when the site was on the old host?
In dashboard>settings>media check to see if “Store uploads in this folder” says “wp-content/uploads” only, and not a longer file path.
Also, make sure that “Full URL path to files” is blank. If it says /home/gabmixco/public_html/″ , just delete it.
Not sure if this will solve your issue, but it’s the first place I’d check.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Store ButtonIf you would like to add VideoPress to your self-hosted WordPress site, you will need this plugin:
VideoPressYou’ll still need to have a blog (which you don’t have to use) and log in there and go to Store to purchase and set up the service. Once you do, you can use the above plugin to connect the service with your current site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Configuring the WordPress site for a feedFor FeedBurner, you just give them the page address: is the feed that WordPress creates automatically, and FeedBurner doesn’t know what to do with it. It’s like your trying to create a feed of your feed. So leave out the /feed part.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: changing font style and color in CoralineGo to your site, and hover over the element you want to change (sidebar text, for example) in your browser and right-click and look for Inspect Element to see what the declaration is called in the style sheet. From there, you just need to find the line that has that same declaration, and then you can modify it’s hex color.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: accidentally deleted MySQL database and don't have backup.Contact you host, and see if they have an automatic backup. Most good hosts have backups, and they may be able to restore tour old database for you.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Exporting from one domain to another and different hostingsDo you have a link to the new site?
You say that you are also switching domains? As in from to as well? Did you also update the database to reflect this change? If you have not, all the links to pages will link to the old site.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Exporting from one domain to another and different hostingsDo you have a link to the site? Has there been any change to the URL (say from to that would need to be changed in the database?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving Directory issuesDid you also change the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) within Dashboard>Settings>General?
This article in the Codex covers Moving WordPress, and the section under the heading called If you forget to change the locations walks you through how to get yourself sorted out, since you have lost access to the dashboard.
Usually, I just return everything back to the way it was, and do it over.
Best of luck…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Background Image?Not sure exactly where you intend to place this image, but yes, it is possible.
Most likely, in order to do so you will need to either modify a theme’s stye sheet (style.css) to place the image, or possibly use a theme that offers a dashboard control panel that allows for easy background image placement, such as TwentyEleven