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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make the COMMENTS button stand out from all my tags!I’m not seeing it there either.
It’s in a span…
<span class=”comments-link”>
…but I can’t tell from here which code/file is generating the source code.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Banner Ad question and Google Ad Question tooYou’ll need the same skills to add google ads, so…
Just make a div, to create a div you just…
<div class=”someclass”>
Your banner code goes here
</div>Place the div with the banner code or Google AdSense code in it in the header.php just above the code that says
<div id=header>
That will place your banner above the header.
To learn about Google AdSense do a google search on Google AdSense.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make the COMMENTS button stand out from all my tags!In my last reply I said: “I think it’s in the single.php”.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Banner Ad question and Google Ad Question tooPut it a div and place it in the loop.
Where do you want it to appear? Which page/s? Where on the page/s?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make the COMMENTS button stand out from all my tags!O.K.
Everything is in span tag, I can’t think of why anyone would do that, so I thought maybe it was plugin.
Actually you can just find the reference in the php that displays the “Leave A Comment” link(it’s in a span tag), and edit it out of there. I think it’s in the single.php.
Then make a separate div, place it somewhere below the div that has the span in it, give it a class for styling, and position it from there, by floating it left or right to where ever you want it. place the code you cut from the span into the new div.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make the COMMENTS button stand out from all my tags!Are you using a plugin?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: where do i put this code?For the home page index.php
For your posts single.php
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make the COMMENTS button stand out from all my tags!Do you have a link?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to make the COMMENTS button stand out from all my tags!What do you mean?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how do I add a type immediately beside a picture I inserted?You can float the image left in the same div that contains the text.
In wp’s insert image page, select “Left” as the alignment, and the text should wrap to the right of the image until it reaches the bottom of the image, then the rest of the text will wrap around to the edge of the containing div.
Look at my blog for an example.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: header issuePut the a element and it’s image inside the header div, give it a class, and float it left.
<div id=”header”>
<a class="fblink" href="!/phonerestore"><img height="80" width="80" id="fb-icon" src=""></a>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Creating seperate blog pages?Most WP bloggers set their home page to show excerpts of their posts, and the title(also the Read More…)is linked to full post.
You could also make your home page more static, as in it won’t automatically show all your posts or even excerpts, but rather whatever you decide to put on it. Then you could have category links to your categories, and/or a page that shows all your posts or excerpts linked to the posts.
Short answer, you can set it up any way you want to work, you only need to learn the php that WP uses to make it all work dynamically. It’s mostly functions or blocks that you add to your page templates to tell wp what to load for that page. That way it’s done automatically every time you make a post.
Once you set it up the way you want, all you have to do is post, and the rest is done for through the php.
It’s hard to get your head around if you’re used to hard coding static pages, but extremely more efficient and powerful than static pages.
Although you still have the option of static pages if you want to code every page for every post every time you post.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Strange Character Appearing in my WordPress Pages ContentLike this…
? except with a question mark inside it?
What browser are you seeing it in?
I can’t see the black diamond in Internet Explorer 8, but I see an empty box at the end of some of the sentences. I don’t see any odd characters in FireFox.
Did you add break tags or html break codes to your paragraphs?
Something is adding this to your source code. Are you using the visual editor? Posting by email, or using a plugin to post?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trouble drop down menu on top? Field not being able to type?If I were going to customize a template to suit my needs I would start with a simple one, and add features to it.
The drop down menu is just a series of nested lists, if you look at the html you can just about figure out the design at a glance.
You really just need to decide what elements/features you want, design the header, content, sidebar, and footer, then add your features to those.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trouble drop down menu on top? Field not being able to type?I’ve been playing around with this, and it looks like it’s a bug, because nothing works.
I found some info on Enabling hiding of embedded objects Here.
There is a link on that same page that takes you Here which might be more useful, since that page is intended for the AddToAny plugin.
Hopefully that will solve the issue.