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  • Thread Starter fireemerald


    Hi @abzlevelup,

    Sorry for the late response but i was really busy in the last weeks.
    I really appreciate your provided CSS and the link, it fixed the basic design.

    I wonder why your basic design was broken on this site as i don’t have that much other plugins installed.

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    Citing other plugins as a reason not to improve your own plugin is a bad attitude. Fact is a Plugin should integrate only that, at the places which need it.

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    Ah and why do you include all your js and css files on any page of a website?

    You should only include these files if the actual page contains content wich requires them.

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    As i wrote i was also unable to re-create a broken block.

    But anyway you should not allow a empty font to be added.
    Add a check inside the function:

    Input should be always validated – you don’t do that at the moment.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by fireemerald.
    Thread Starter fireemerald


    So i ended up with this:

    • Leave everything as it is and don’t try to overwrite bootstrap or popperjs (it’s conflicting on one or another end).
    • Included the css classes for .popover from bootstrap 4.

    The popover is working as intended and has the look of bootstrap 4.

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    I’ve tracked the error down and found the root cause.

    The popover dom element is created and attached to the container (body):
    <div class="popover fade right in" style="top: 508px; left: 1194.25px; display: block;">...<div>

    But the problem is, this element is not visible. It’s because the css class show is never added to the dom element and without the show class assigned, this rule takes effect:

    .fade:not(.show) {
        opacity: 0;

    CSS rule source: ->

    As you can see the rule is from the default bootstrap style. It does conflict with your overwritten functions from popover. I added this import because i wanted to use the bootstrap styling.

    My question is now:
    – Do you really overwrite many (all?) of the popover methods via prototype (setContent, hasContent, show, …) or do i see this wrong and you just included them inside the kt_plugins.min.js file from the original?
    – Do you know a way to restore the default behavior?

    Last but not least is there a option to get the un-minified version of kt_plugins.min.js used instead the minified one – it’s kind of triggering me.

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    Thanks for your fast response.

    I know that it’s possible with the rel and data attributes but that’s not what i asked for.

    My use case requires the dynamic approach like this, where the popup is generated and destroyed on-the-fly using javascript (jquery + bootstrap + Popper.js).

    // event enterDayView
        trigger: 'manual',
        container: 'body',
        html: true,
        content: content
    // event leaveDayView

    This code is supported by retail bootstrap but your theme overwrites the popover method and thus this code does not work as intended by bootstrap anymore. It’s kind of a bug?

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    The content of the shortcode is irrelevant. Example: “Hello World!” – works as intended on any post.

    Just download The Events Calendar (it’s free and available via the link from #1 post) and then add any shortcode here:
    Create a new event
    How it looks like in month view

    I don’t know if shortcoder is the problem here or The Events Calendar. It’s up to you to test this ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by fireemerald. Reason: image added

    It’s impossible to get the correct naming without changing some lines of php code @wdsupport because the order is hard coded.

    The problem is located at \frontend\models\FFWDModelBlog_style.php L100 and L102:

    return $numberOfUnits.' '.$tokens_s[$unit] . __(' ago','ffwd');

    $numberOfUnits = ‘4’
    $tokens_s[$unit] = ‘Monate’
    __(' ago','ffwd') = ‘vor’

    Complete: 4 Monatevor, Correct would be: Vor 4 Monaten

    The php code must be changed to something like:

    if($numberOfUnits>1) {
    	if ( get_locale() === 'de_DE' ) {
    		return __('ago', 'ffwd') . ' ' . $numberOfUnits . ' ' . $tokens_s[$unit];
    	} else {
    		return $numberOfUnits . ' ' . $tokens_s[$unit] . __(' ago', 'ffwd');
    if ( get_locale() === 'de_DE' ) {
    	return __('ago','ffwd') . ' ' . $numberOfUnits . ' ' . $text;
    } else {
    	return $numberOfUnits.' '.$text. __(' ago','ffwd');

    This produces: vor 4 Monaten

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by fireemerald.

    Just as note that other users also get this warning like me – last on 14-Oct-2017 running Version 5.4.

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    I opened an request and will take a look what they answer, because your free support is kind of premium. I hope you will be able to find the reason of the problem if they will provide you a testing license.

    For now we disabled the settings from above and hope that the error won’t trigger again. I will provide you their response when i got it.

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    The js_composer is the internal name for Visual Composer.

    • “Enable Media Grid Enhancements” and
    • “Enable Media Manager Enhancements”

    were checked, sorry for that. I provide you all my exported settings:
    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    Thread Starter fireemerald


    I took a closer look at the code. There are two different kinds of views, the overview (as month, list or day) and a single event.

    For the overviews (month, list or day) i found a filter which transformed the title of the breadcrumb into “false”. So adding the following filter to your functions.php file restores the correct label name:

    // Custom filter to retrieve the correct name of the events calendar month view
    function tribe_post_type_archive_title( $object_labels_name, $object_name ) {
        // Set the title to the correct post type name
        if ( is_post_type_archive('tribe_events' )) {
            $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( $object_name );
            return $post_type_obj->labels->name;
        return $object_labels_name;
    // Priority must be greater 10 (default)
    add_filter( 'post_type_archive_title', 'tribe_post_type_archive_title', 20, 2 );

    Now i will take a look at the single events…

    Thread Starter fireemerald


    Breadcrumb NavXT generates an empty trail if you have disabled the display of the Home/Blog/Mainsite breadcrumbs and you visit the Mainsite. Result: "<!-- Breadcrumb NavXT 5.7.1 -->\n" – without any extra code.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by fireemerald.
    Thread Starter fireemerald


    Would be good if you could take a look what’s the main reason for this issue is and solve it by default… i posted you the debug screenshot what comes back from get_post();. The plugin is free for everyone in the basic version which is used.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by fireemerald.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by fireemerald.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by fireemerald.
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