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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Follow] Notification when follower creates an eventanyone?
Thanks for the help! client changed his mind and ended up using a label instead!
Me too! Hopefully! Thanks for the help!
Yes it does, so seems like putting it in owner would work, but I could not get it to work.
Found another solution using this:
<?php global $bp;
echo EM_Events::output(array(‘owner’=>$bp->displayed_user->id,
‘limit’=>10, ‘pagination’=>1));?>
Yes, and how do I get that in php code? My profilecode looks like this now, and it uses the userID, but I dont really get how, I dont really know php. Can you take a look and see how I should do it?
Screenshot of my profilecode:
ScreenshotOk thanks! It works!
I want to display the events created by that member there, should maybe look something like this:
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[events_list owner=””]’ ); ?>
but I dont know what to put inside the owner tag. Any Ideas? Should I make a new post for this question?
Ok im trying to do that, so if I want to modify profile.php it should be in /my-theme/plugins/events-manager/buddypress/profile.php?
Thank you!
Thanks! Totally missed that!