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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Insert Page image and title to a widgetThank you SO much, that is exactly what I was looking for!
Much appreciated! xYes, my subsites are venues and they have been added to the event locations but I want the main sites event search form to have a drop down listing the three locations. So you can search for events across them all or pick a location.
Brilliant! Thank you
Yes , they are the Event names. When I use #_EVENTLINK it works fine but I wanted to use a custom placeholder to limit the length of the Event title so as not to break the slider, when I did this the event name is no longer a link
The link is used on the Event titles in the sliders at the bottom
It works perfectly and shows the title of the event at a limited length but it is no longer a link to the event as #_EVENTLINK is.
Can you tell me if it is possible to colour events for different venues/blogs? Each subsite is a venue and also can the image sizes be set using custom image sizes as my event images are all coming in at different heights, thanks
That was your first question, yes I am.
I have found a work around using:<?php echo do_shortcode('[events_list scope="future" blog="4"] <li>#_EVENTIMAGE{450,450} #_EVENTLINK #_EVENTDATES</li> [/events_list]'); ?>
Can you tell me if it is possible to colour events depending on their location/blog? (my subsites are venues) and is it possible to use custom image sizes as with the shortcode the images are all showing at different heights?
I need to update this as I have found out how to add the date so that is no problem, but I still haven’t been able to resolve the events sharing.
Just to clarify, I want the main site to access all events for all of the venues, this currently works for the Events Calendar but when I call events as a post type it shows nothing. Please help!
FionaAny ideas? I also want to add the date of each event, can this be added using shortcode or does it need to be selected in the array? Is there an element to say only show future events?
// args $args = array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => 'event' );
Sorry for all the questions, I have been struggling to resolve these.
In each of the sites, it shows the events of that venue, so all good but on the main site, it shows nothing as technically there are no events as it isn’t a venue. is the site if it is clearer to look at it, thanks for getting back to me
I have them set to yes in the main site and the Calendar is working.
I have the below code to call all events into a slider.
Can I show a slider of each venues events and then another showing all events across all of the venues?<div class="Base-sliders"> <div class="flexslider-event"> <div id="carousel"> <?php // args $args = array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => 'event' ); // get results $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); // The Loop ?> <?php if( $the_query->have_posts() ): ?> <ul class="slides"> <?php while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); ?> <li> <a>"><?php the_title(); ?></a> <?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail', array()); ?> </li> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php wp_reset_query(); // Restore global post data stomped by the_post(). ?> </div><!-- #carousel --> </div><!-- .flexslider-event --> </div><!-- .Base-sliders -->
I have discovered the closing bracket was missing before the closing php tag at the end and although the white screen has gone back to normal, it appears nothing is being read from the $count line, does it need a preceding instruction maybe?
<div id=”container”>
echo do_shortcode(‘[events_list limit=”3″ category=”78″]<div class=”HM-event”>
<div class=”HM-pic”>#_EVENTIMAGE{300,0}</div>
<div class=”HM-eventnm”>#_EVENTLINK</div>
<div class=”HM-eventdt”>#_EVENTDATES</div>
<div class=”HM-venue”>#_ATT{Venue}</div>
<div class=”tickets”>#_ATT{Tickets}</div>
$count = $EM_Events::count(array( ‘scope’ => ‘future’, ‘category’ => ’78’));
if ($count > 0){echo do_shortcode(‘[events_list limit=”3″]
<div class=”HM-event”>
<div class=”HM-pic”>#_EVENTIMAGE{300,0}</div>
<div class=”HM-eventnm”>#_EVENTLINK</div>
<div class=”HM-eventdt”>#_EVENTDATES</div>
<div class=”HM-venue”>#_ATT{Venue}</div>
<div class=”tickets”>#_ATT{Tickets}</div>
[/events_list]’); }
</div><!– #container –>Thanks for your response, the php is calling the events lists, so if I remove them I get the dreaded white screen.
Thanks for your answer, the php is calling the events lists, so if I remove them I get the dreaded white screen:
The code below just shows two events list and ignores the $count instruction and shows that on the front end as copy?!<div id=”container”>
echo do_shortcode(‘[events_list limit=”3″ category=”78″]<div class=”HM-event”>
<div class=”HM-pic”>#_EVENTIMAGE{300,0}</div>
<div class=”HM-eventnm”>#_EVENTLINK</div>
<div class=”HM-eventdt”>#_EVENTDATES</div>
<div class=”HM-venue”>
#_ATT{Venue}</div><div class=”tickets”>#_ATT{Tickets}</div>
[/events_list]’);?>$count = $EM_Events::count( array( ‘scope’ => ‘future’, ‘category’ => ’78’) );
if ($count > 0) {<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[events_list limit=”3″]
<div class=”HM-event”>
<div class=”HM-pic”>#_EVENTIMAGE{300,0}</div>
<div class=”HM-eventnm”>#_EVENTLINK</div>
<div class=”HM-eventdt”>#_EVENTDATES</div>
<div class=”HM-venue”>
#_ATT{Venue}</div><div class=”tickets”>#_ATT{Tickets}</div>
[/events_list]’);?></div><!– #container –>