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  • Thread Starter fht


    @handysolo: Thank you for this solution and the link but I tried that _before_ putting this question here.

    @wakeup: thanks for contacting me via my website; didn’t know there was no way to contact me directly within here.

    MY solution had nothing to do with WordPress at all. I just had a broken httpd.conf: the line AddModule mod_rewrite.c was missing.

    So, now you might ask: How could this happen?
    I was using a so called “server management tool” when setting up the server nearly 3yrs ago. After an update about a year ago it stopped working – but as I didn’t use the SMT anymore I didn’t really care about that because all websites were up and running – so completely forgot.

    But the other day I needed to change a users PHP-flags, remembered the SM-tool and got it to run again… too bad it overwrote my hand-edited httpd.conf-file every two minutes after that with the stuff in the database.

    As it didn’t affect the other websites on the server I didn’t even notice, nor think to look in there! (MY FAULT, I know) So I found out by mere chance when looking for something completely different.

    So please double-check your httpd.conf twice for the entry

    AddModule mod_rewrite.c

    if using ANY script that might be accessing/modifying files in /etc/apache

    HTH and yes, that was a perfect pebkac-error ??

    My RSS feed is also delayed, don’t know why. Accessing it “direct” in the browser via its RSS-URI works immediately after posting. But Google News (for example) showed my last 2 posts on exactly the same time just about 1 hour after the LAST post was made. Same goes for where the delay was about 30mins after posting when I tested it last time.

    I am experiencing this problem on another, separately hosted WordPress-site too.

    VERSION USED on both hosts: 2.2.2

    Thread Starter fht


    When I put index.php/ into the URI then it works. But I don’t know how to change the .htaccess-file to reflect this, I am currently playing around with that.

    just sitting at my boss’ desk (well standing as he’s sleeping *hehe*)

    Anyways: Uploaded a bunch of files to the /wp-content/2007/07/-Folder but can’t see them in the Mediamanager. Tried to set access-permissions from reading to “write worldwide” – doesn’t show up. PLEEEEASE help ??

    Thread Starter fht


    Had some stressful time the last weeks and completely forgot about this topic. The code (the embed-stuff) was copied directly from the YouTube-site btw! – And the “older” published stuff still WORKS…

    I am not sure what you mean by “has dropped to continue to be aligned with my first post” but look at the HTML-Code in your posts. I have (had) the same problem after putting a YouTube-File in a post – the complete right-hand-panel disappeared in some browsers when this post was on the same page.

    But maybe you can give out a demo-link to the site/page (or maybe screenshot) to see, what happens.

    EDIT: your background-image is also missing!

    balend: seems to be referenced “wrong”. Check your CSS (and maybe file-permissions) – the file itself DOES exist and IS available to the public!

    Your site DOES work the way it should – just the “pages/2”-URI isn’t working. Well, it DOES but just shows your start-page (aka homepage) with the background-image missing. This really looks like a problem with your Error 404-handling! (so check your logs please – and keep us updated!)

    Seems you are missing the background-stuff (as ak-hater does). Not sure if it’s an image or just CSS-problem. Got to have a look at it…

    Hi there!
    I am not sure what the problem is (yet) – but what I’ve noticed is, that you both use some 404-settings (which means [more or less]: if the file/directory requested doesn’t exist, the server gives an “Error 404” – and you don’t display the server-error but redirect to the “homepage” of your site).

    Maybe this could be the point? Did you check your logfiles (if available)?

    Did you take a look at your logfiles (if available to you)? This helped me a lot when moving a WordPress-installation from one server to another. The problem (in my case) was a not-set permission.

    Maybe you just did the update as another user than the BLOG “needed”? By the way: I did the updates “by hand” with PHPmyAdmin although there was this link in the WordPress2-Backend. Just because I was used to it (and could control, WHAT was backed-up).

    Thread Starter fht


    The full inserted code is:

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    What’s missing after saving is the full <embed>-stuff.

    Thread Starter fht


    Ok, did another look into the source-code.

    The <object>-TAG is the same except for the Movie-Name in both articles. The -Tag in the (not working version) is added when saving within WordPress2 – the rest of the <object>-code “is eaten” when saving (including the closing Tag).

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: htaccess question

    Is this the only error-message you get? Look in your Log-Files if there’s something like “Headers already sent by…”

    COULD have something to do with a plugin. Look at in that case – maybe this helps?!

    think so…

    Did you manage to correct the problem?

    Seems you finally managed it!

    Would you please point out what your problem was as I also want to move two friends blogs to another server.


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