Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Editor Tools] no more editor-styles with wp 3.81 and new tiny mcehi andrew,
i cleared the cache several times. in older version of tinymce advanced that always helped. not in this version. i also tried to add the styles manually by the method you metioned. no effect. looks like indesctructible cache…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: TinyMCE advanced, editor-styles, twentyfourteen themenot yet. done now.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: TinyMCE advanced, editor-styles, twentyfourteen themehi esmi, yeah, actual plugin version. what i’ve tried as well:
- check the editors source code. editor-styles.css is in
- fource tinymce to display extra styles with the tiny mce advanced config plugin. no method working.
- tried to add styles to tinymces tadv-styles.css. not working
that’s why i asked for to add a hook in the next version…might be quite useful for other customers as well…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Media Tags] Sort ouputi did it already, with some customization. you may use this as a start:
$loop = new WP_Query($args); $z=0; // z?hler für loops = betreffende bilder $nr=0; //zielarray while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); if(is_array($name_ext_r)): // wenn nach dateinamensendungen gesucht werden soll = galerie oben $bildurl_ende=substr(get_the_guid(),-6,-4); for($x=0;$x<count($name_ext_r);$x++) { if($name_ext_r[$x]==$bildurl_ende) { // ende bildurl = suchstring? $output_r[$nr]['image'] = wp_get_attachment_image('', $size, false); $output_r[$nr]['url'] = wp_get_attachment_url(); $output_r[$nr]['title'] = get_the_title(); $output_r[$nr]['bildurl_ende'] = $bildurl_ende; $nr++; } } else : //oder einfach alle bilder ausgeben = galerie seite $output_r[$z]['image'] = wp_get_attachment_image('', $size, false); $output_r[$z]['url'] = wp_get_attachment_url(); $output_r[$z]['title'] = get_the_title(); endif; $z++; endwhile; if(is_array($output_r)): //gibts was zu sortieren? if(!is_array($name_ext_r)) : // galerien links nach alphabet sortieren foreach ($output_r as $nr => $inhalt)$url[$nr] = strtolower( $inhalt['url'] ); array_multisort($url, SORT_ASC, $output_r); else: // galerien oben nach vorgegebener reihenfolge sortieren for($y=0;$y<count($name_ext_r);$y++) { for($t=0;$t<count($output_r);$t++) { if($name_ext_r[$y]==$output_r[$t]['bildurl_ende'])$output_r_new[]=$output_r[$t]; } } $output_r=$output_r_new; endif; $i=1; foreach($output_r as $part) { if(!is_array($name_ext_r)){if($i%3==0)$extraclass=' last';} //klassen für seitengalerie generieren else $extraclass="imgnr".$i; //klassen für obere galerie generieren $output .= '<a class="'.$class.$extraclass.'" title="'.$part['title'].'" href="'.$part['url'].'">'.$part['image'].'</a>'; $i++; unset($extraclass); } unset ($i); endif; wp_reset_query(); return $output; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Media Tags] Broken loop with MultiEdit Pluginyou’re welcome!
the error appears only when the plugin imagemagick (which we desperately need!!) is activated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pagely MultiEdit] Page.ly MultiEdit conflict with php blog excerpt functionwould be interested in a solution too. we’re using media tags plugin, which includes a
$loop = new WP_Query($args)
.result: no more multi edit regions are filled with content afterwards.
thanks for your help silvio!
just send me a mail to info ?t ff minus webdesigner dot de then i’ll send you the login.
hi silvo, the plugin settings simply don’t appear at the end of the admin bar. disabled all other plugins. installation successfull and correctly shown under plugins. wp version 3.6.1
same here. wp 3.6, all other plugins disabled, no cache plugin active, no settings tab zamanto.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ImageMagick Engine] problem with the value for "Optimize for quality"not true. wordpress uses gdlib, which results in way much worse image quality and larger file sizes. i also can’t change the quality settings.
nope, same here. wp 3.5.2, add_image_size(‘slideshow’, 559, 355, true); in fnctions.php, simple image sizes plugin activatred. no choice custom sizes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Max. Upload File SIze Ignored by WP Media Libraryhi esmi,
agreed in the first place and greekdishs problem. checked everything: php ini, server setup, htaccess, @php ini settings in wp files. my hoster domainfactory agreed: everything is setup right and should result in a 200m upload max file size not only in file manager plugin, but also in media library. but it doesn’t. 200m is possible with my hoster, file manager acts as expected.