Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post don’t appearThanks for the response but I did nothing but create a new post and when I published it all 3 went live. Strange.
However, there is another problem. A coup[le of week back, at the time of the 1st post that did not go live, the bottom half of the Edit Post page became rearranged. I apparently clicked on something I shouldn’t have.
I found the places to enter the title, description and such but Yhe place for entering keywords, so that they will show at the bottom of the article has totally disappeared.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Latest update eliminated access to themeMany thanks. Between visits to doctors and physical therapy, it may be a couple of days. I really should be in more of a hurry, as I am so old that the ringing in my ears is a relic of the Big Bang.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Latest update eliminated access to themeI designed and built my first computer in 1957 with vacuum tubes. I was an assembly language programmer for Delta back in the 70s but I have repented of being a techie. I am now just a user. I doubt I could employ your suggestions. Would Bluehost likely do that for me?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Latest update eliminated access to themeI do have iThemes Security. It is not a new addition, though I don’t recall the last time it was updated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Latest update eliminated access to themeI don’t think I had any security plugins running. I have not changed any of the plugins in several months but I have updated those given notice. My activity on the blog has been minimal of late while I research and write 3 more books.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Latest update eliminated access to themeIf I go to appearance, all of the available themes appear, including Thesis but there is no way to access the various options. Before, there was a listing in the left-hand column
that allowed me access to all the controls offered by the theme. That is missing.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Latest update eliminated access to themeThe theme did not eliminate itself. Today I tried to access it for the first time since the latest update of WordPress. It was not there. the URL is https://www.crawfordharris.com/wp-admin/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [StatComm (StatPress Community) Multisite Edition] reducing database sizeThanks for the timely response. I had already set the values you suggest except the logged users and spiders but the lines have not been removed (over 800k). I also installed the WP-Optimize plug-in but that didn’t do what I expected. My site is somewhat faster but still the slowest site I frequent. Would uninstalling and reinstalling with your suggested options work? Again, thans.