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  • Hi @michaelmossey,

    Sorry to hear of your trouble. WordPress is a great and easy-to-learn tool, but sometimes we do get stuck with something.

    You’ll have to check some things:
    – Find where in your theme your header elements are printed. Normally it’s done in header.php file. Also check if your templates call the get_header() function, it’s this function that includes the header.php file.
    – Give a look at the WordPress Template Hierarchy. That shows the way of what file is called where. For your home page, for example, WordPress tries to find a front-page.php file, a home.php or the index.php (these two are searched only if you are not using a static page as the front page).
    – Check the wp_nav_menu function. This is used to render menus, so you should have a call for it in your header.php.

    This is the simplest way. You can look the register_nav_menu function that is used to register menu locations for your theme. You can use

    function register_primary_menu() {
        register_nav_menu( 'primary', 'Primary Menu' );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'register_primary_menu' );

    in your functions.php file. Then create a menu in WP Dashboard and mark that as the Primary Menu (after inserting that code a checkbox must appear below the menu items). After that call

    wp_nav_menu( array(
        'theme_location' => 'primary',
    ) );

    in your header.php to render it.

    Hi @gluecklichezwerge,

    Are you using this plugin? If so, are you adding your code into custom/functions.php?

    The plugin_dir_path function is just a wrapper for trailingslashit( dirname( $file ) ), so if you pass __FILE__ as paramater the function will return the directory of the current file with a trailing slash. That said, if you are calling it from theme-customisation-master/custom/functions.php, this piece of code plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) will probably return something like /home/your-folders/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/theme-customisation-master/custom/ and you just need to complete the rest. So, you can try this:

    $agb_pdf_path = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'emails/attached-files/AGB.pdf';

    If it doesn’t work, the best way to move foward is debugging. An echo, or a die() or some better way like xdebug will tell you what is the path returned by the function, right?

    If you have any doubts just come back here!

    As you are creating the nonce passing 'ob-ajax-nonce' as argument, i.e., calling wp_create_nonce( 'ob-ajax-nonce' ), you should check it using check_ajax_referer( 'ob-ajax-nonce', 'security' );. Give it a try and please come back here to tell if it worked.

    Also, code here in forums tend do be difficult to read (it scrolls vertical and horizontally), so next time please consider pasting it in and just leaving a link here ??

    So @webbywoo, you will have to create a new menu first. You can do that in Customize -> Menus -> Create a new menu. Add a name, something like Footer Menu 1, click next and start adding items, in this case the pages you want to be listed to your users. You can also do the same thing going in Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menu.

    After that you can create the Menu widget. In Customize -> Widgets -> (your widget area, like Footer) -> Add a Widget -> Menu. Then select your menu (Footer Menu 1) and click Done. After that click the Publish button at the top of the screen. You can also do this in Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets.

    Hi @webbywoo,

    Instead of using the Page widget, maybe the Menu widget is a best option for you. Did you try that already?

    Hi @gluecklichezwerge,

    Are you trying to get the path, i.e., the location of the file in the server (/home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins…) or the url, i.e., the “web” path (…)?

    For paths you should use plugin_dir_path, but that function doesn’t accept a dir as parameter, it accepts a file. So, depending on where are you calling it, you can try plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) . 'custom/emails/attached-files/Widerrufsrecht.pdf';

    If you want a URL, then you can use plugins_url, like plugins_url( 'custom/emails/attached-files/Widerrufsrecht.pdf', __FILE__ ).

    If you find yourself into a directory mess, where you are too many levels deep but want to call one of those relatively to the plugins root, a good ideia is to define a constant in the main plugin file, like define( 'MY_PLUGIN_FILE', __FILE__ ); and then call plugin_dir_path ( MY_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'custom/emails/attached-files/Widerrufsrecht.pdf' from whatever you want.

    Hi @danielvieira83,

    There isn’t a way to include bootstrap CSS files without affecting any other element with it’s pre-defined classes. To solve that you’ll have to edit bootstrap files in order to change it’s selectors, e.g., where there are .alert you’ll have to change to .my_plugin_alert, and obviously change that in your own HTML codes. That isn’t a small job though.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: static front page

    Hi @iansova, and are different things. You can see the differences here:

    So, probably your problem wasn’t related to DNS, since it was possible to acess at least one page. If you didn’t solve this already, try to redo the DNS configuration and start it all over (again).

    In order to enqueue a javascript file you can’t use wp_enqueue_style, you should use wp_enqueue_script instead. Change it in public/class-my-wp-tools-public.php:enqueue_scripts() method and give it a try.

    Also a question: do you plan to use that domain to show something NSFW? If you do plan to do that please say it in order to mods can warn it near to your site link.

    To show a close button you’ll need to modify the alert box code, as documented here. It’ll become something like this:

    <div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">
      <strong>Success!</strong> This is a bootstrap alert message.
      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

    Note the alert-dismissible fade show classes and the additional HTML for the close button.

    Hi @danielvieira83,

    Just saw the site HTML and the CSS file now is called. It seems that the problem is solved, right? The bootstrap alert near footer is correctly styled. If it’s all clear, don’t forget to mark the topic as “resolved”, please ??

    The lines (68 and 69) are commented out. If it’s like that in your server it’ll never be called.

    I’ve made a fork here with the necessary changes, i.e, removing comments, calling only wp_enqueue_style and wrapping all with single quotes. Can you test it?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Felipe Elia. Reason: correcting line numbers

    Oi @wordpressmaniaca,

    Temos um fórum só para dúvidas em português do Brasil. Você pode acessá-lo aqui.

    Este aqui é o internacional, ent?o quase nenhum dos colegas domina o nosso idioma ??

    That helped @danielvieira83, thanks. Unfortunatelly there isn’t a link tag with your css, what means that WordPress isn’t enqueuing your stylesheet ??

    Did you paste your code as it really is? Just noticed that the last parameter of wp_register_style call is missing single quotes, i.e., it is all and should be 'all'.

    Thanks, but actually that doesn’t help. You’ll need to see the generated HTML, that sent to your browser when you navigate to some page (sorry if I was unclear).

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