Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Comments DisabledHi there,
I’m not having this issue at my, will check if it’s somethi g with the settings. Have you enabled comments in the plugin setting section ?
Thank you for reaching out, you can do that with the plugin, you need to use the {$excerpts:n} post temppate variable (n stands for the number of words for your excerpt , and the {$permalink} variable. If you click the post title, the excerpt post will appear with the link/permalink to the source post. Try it and let me know how it goes.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Feelgood chatroom with automated response help requiredI wish I could help but I don’t yet know of any, I’ll suggest you build it and put it up here (would also love to try that plugin) . The plugin description sounds like a very specific use case so the best approach would be to learn some php and start writing it, won’t take long. You are very welcome .
I have to respectfully disagree with you. This plugin does what it say it does, import the full content of post o your blog. Period.
Now, you original feed need NOT to be Truncated, this is not in our hands.
We have no influence on that, the plugin does not truncate your feeds or anything else, you just need to make sure that the feed you use actually give you the content.
IF you however use truncated Feeds that only display titles, then the API Key will fix that and retrieve the full content for you (assuming you are allow to do that regarding copyrights..etc) .
You would sell a lot of your API Upgrade if the FREE plugin came with an API that would only handle one blog but require the API Key to handle more blogs than one.
I bet with you, if I do this, there would be someone complaining about NOT being able to use it on more than 1 Blog.
The plugin is FREE , the ability to turn the truncated feeds you give the plugin to full post is a feature that allows us to work on this, if your feeds are not truncated, you don’t need an API Key.
THIS IS exactly what the plugin does:
This is the Best WordPress Plugin for Syndicating, Importing, Merging and Displaying Full Text RSS and Atom feeds on your WordPress Blog.
The RSS Post Importer plugin fetches an RSS feed and publishes the full article content of each Feed Item as stand-alone post.
Thank you very much for your feedback, like I said, I have to respectfully disagree with you on this.
The RSS Post NerdForum: Reviews
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] good, but have some bugsJean-pierre,
Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions, I have a good news for you, your 1.st and 2.nd suggestions have been implemented, and everything works smoothly and really good, the 1.st one is not yet perfect bug we are working on it.
Regarding your other 2 suggestions, they unfortunately didn’t make it to our roadmap, we are still reviewing the Author option (this is already supported) , but not yet as stand-alone, so we are looking into this to know if it makes sense to have a stand-alone author variable.
The RSS Post NerdForum: Reviews
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Plug-in incomplete for podcast xml/rssThank you for sharingbyour feedback with me.
I will look into the media embedding issue, the plugin wasn’t made in the first place for podcasts but thanks to your feedback, I just added this to our roadmap, furthermore, your feedback made it clear to me that I ultimately need to create a short video demo/tutorial , what may seems obvious to one person isn’t obvious to another person so stay tuned for a titorial video to come once we have our next release out (want to incorporate the new features in the demo video).
Kind regards,
The RSS Post Importer Nerd.PS: I’m always happy to get 5 stars rating for this hard time consumming work but also welcome honest feedback and suggestions…I’m unfortunatel y less happy when I get anything other thank 5 stars, it means someone is not happy at all, I just wish you will find a different way to say that before giving the plugin less than 5 stars. ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Awesome. Accomplished more than I expectedYour feedback made my day, thank you for using my plugin. I’ll keep improving it to make it even better while still keeping it simple, stay tuned for great things to come.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Easy to use and works as expectedThank you Par, you nailed it: simple and functional is one of our core goals with this plugin, your feedback means a lot to us.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] woooThank you very much for your kind words laxmanbudakoti, this means a lot to us, ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Author InformationPS: at the moment, you can add thebsource and the authormisnautomatically fetched, just not added as prominent stand alone information.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Author InformationDianyun,
Thanks for your suggestion, we shall look into that for our next release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Yet another "no post" issueHi Guys,
Generic input for the content:{$content}
You however need a FULL Text RSS fetching Key to pull the full articles content if the original feed source is truncated like I wrote in the other thread.
Nyxie: the default placeholder “{$content}nSource: {$feed_title}” , is just a placeholder and we shall fix the display with our next release to omly display the real variables, this being said, you need a full text rss key IF your rss source only provides truncated feeds, you should get one and try it free for 14 days to see if it works like you expect.
The RSS Post Importer NerdForum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] {$content} Source: {$title}Hi baltoed,
Thanks for reaching out, you did the right thing but you need a Full Text RSS Key to fetch the full content of articles if your original source only provides truncated feeds (most of the feeds do). You should get yourself one of those, at least for the first 14 days free trial to try it and make up your mind if you want to keep the key or not.
I hope I could help with this, feel free to reach out if you have any other question.
The RSS Post Importer NerdForum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Feeds deleted when I try to saveFixed, thanks for the head up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS Post Importer] Case Sensitive ServersThanks for the head up, this shiuld be fine now. ??