Firstly, yes – that is the theme I’m using.
Secondly, I may have used the wrong terminology.
The drag n drop i refer to was probably this:
On the edit page there were two windows
1. showing the graphics/text that have been inerted (with an insert button)
2. the coding
using window 1, there was an ‘insert thing’ (i can’t remember exactly what they called it) button. Pressing the button allowed me to find the correct jpg to insert.
I was able to do this to insert my first two pictures (which i intend to use as a hyperlink to the relevant page). I was able to use the code window to alter the size of the jpg (small/med/large).
It was after completeing inserting the second jpg that the window disappeared, leaving only the code window.
There is not function that allows me to add more jpgs, which is where i ground to a halt as i wanted to sort out the front page before progressing on to other pages.
Sorry for the confusion of not using the correct jargon (I am new to this sort of software).
Any suggestions?