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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsYes, I’ll do that! Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: If a custom field exists for a post, output the valueI found a better way to do what I’m trying to do here … just in case others are looking for this somehow …
.asp”>TODAY’S READING – choose your own version!
With this code I was able to link to the appropriate web site (at least for the month) based on the post date. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner! I didn’t need custom fields after all.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: If a custom field exists for a post, output the valueThis shows my lack of coding knowledge! I had spaces in my code before the <?php …; ?> … apparently that’s not a good thing! I’m now able to pull just the custom field I want (I also got the Get-Custom plugin).
Now to work on using it to grab the link above. I’m assuming that will be relatively simple ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: If a custom field exists for a post, output the valueIf I understand this, is this what my code would look like to pull one of my three custom fields data (Assigned Month is the name of custom field):
<?php if(get_post_custom_values(‘Assigned Month’)) : foreach(get_post_custom_values(‘Assigned Month’)): ?>
I’m not want to display an image, so I took that off. If I use <?php the_meta(); ?> I get a list of the custom fields and the data. But anything else I’ve tried to just display one of the fields makes my page just stop (I only see the header).
What I really want to day (in the long run) is use the Assigned Month data in create a link to this site:
https://www.oneyearbibleonline.com/january.asp … I would be replacing “january” with the data from Assigned month.Thoughts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsEeks … I had to disable autolinks all together … it was doing crazy things to my pages!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsAlso, it appears autolinks is doing weird things to my pages/posts. While it is not producing the links in the posts, it completed messed up the formatting on the “about” page. I have now taken off all the key words except auto links (just for testing purposes) and the about page is back to normal.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsI do have the scripturizer plugin, Moshu, but there are some glitches in it … if you look at this post, you will see … https://fcaoneyearbible.com/blog/2006/01/11/january-11th/
The link “Genesis 24:52-26:16” will not work correctly because the scripture reference goes to multiple chapters.They are working on that, but also, I would still be dependent on every author going to the https://www.oneyearbibleonline.com site, finding the scripture for that day (It’s for references per day) and then typing them back in perfectly on their post.
I’ve now got custom fields for assigned month, assigned day, and assigned version on every post, which I can access via meta data. My hope is to generate this all automatically, so the only thing the author has to come up with correctly is the day and month they are assigned to post (we write our posts ahead of time, and them publish to future, so I thought it best to use a custom field.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsNow, this is odd … I just noticed some of the words I expected to produce autolinks in that site above (https://fcaoneyearbible.com/blog/2005/01/) still don’t produce on the site, but in the PREVIEW section of Write Posts, several of the words do have links! 1 word doesn’t have a link, and one word is deleted altogether. Just wanted to give more information.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsThe purpose of my blog is to post a daily discussion based on a one year bible reading plan. We use the plan at https://www.oneyearbibleonline.com. At this site you select the Bible version, month and date, and then produces a link to https://www.biblegateway.com with the reading for that day. (hard to explain this, but you can see the result at my homepage – https://www.fcaoneyearbible.com
I have 31 different authors (for the corresponding days of the month) and I am depending on each author to remember to write “Today’s Reading”, then go through the trouble of going to the others sites, copying the reading for that day, and hyperlinking back on the post.
I am wondering if I would be able to create several custom fields in a post (month, day, and version) and then have autolinks produce the link when the author types in “Today’s Reading.” I am willing to dedicate autolinks solely to this working this one criteria (it’s that critical!)
Let me know what you think! It’s a great plug in, and if I could use it for this, it would so valuable!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsI deleted the plugin, then reinstalled (this time using version 0.94.2) and reactived. I am still getting the same results. It appears I am able to add key words, but they don’t actually produce a link in the post (above).
I have an additional question, which I will post immediately following.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AutoLinks is not accepting my key wordsI didn’t really do anything different, but it seems to be accepting my words now, but I don’t get any links in my post … https://fcaoneyearbible.com/blog/2005/01/
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excerpts Don’t Show up in home pageGreat … I went to Matt’s site for the plug in (CQS) and he has a version 2.6 which I installed … works PERFECTLY!
I’ve got it all doing just what I want … thanks for ALL your help!
Well, with the exception of what may be a farfetched dream … I would like to have a specific page (dynamic if possible) that lists all the authors and a link to the dynamic author.php. I’m looking for the exact same thing as I have in my sidebar (listing all the authors) but a dedicated page and I’d like it to link to an author even if they haven’t posted yet. You might see on my site a link at the top “Author” … that’s what I would link from
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excerpts Don’t Show up in home pageThanks … I just stumbled on those two plug ins in another thread, but I wasn’t sure if I can use them with WP2.0? Let me know if those plugins are safe to use, and I’ll be set!
As for showing at most 500, I get it now … reading options doesn’t limit the filter of the posts, it just shows x number of posts on that page, and then if there are more than that, gives you the “next page” link. (I adjusted to 5 posts, so you can visit my site! :))
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excerpts Don’t Show up in home pageI’m slowly figuring this out. I have adjusted Options>Reading to be Show 500 posts. Now everything works correctly except my Home Page (I see all the post).
I’m thinking somehow I need to use the Single-post.php for that page, by adjusting the templatae heirarchy or something like that.
Am I on the right track? I’m about 4 clicks away from getting my blog to looking exactly like I want it, so thanks for the help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Get author profile plug in – What does it do?AHHH … I finally got that Email link to work on my author.php page … THANKS FOR THAT!
I would still be curious if your plug in eliminates the need for the set current author stuff! Thanks a bunch!