Their product roadmap has become a mess.
They announced FluentCRM would have a sales pipeline in a blog post from 2023.
The would have probably been developed now but they saw a cash-grab opportunity to make Fluent Boards.
Now Fluent CRM is supposed to depend on Fluent Boards just like Fluent Community depends on FluentCRM or Paymatic or Fluent Forms to onboard users.
That’s crazy for someone who doesn’t already have these products.
Furthermore, they just keep chasing money and growth without finishing things announced years ago.
I’ve tried to use their products for years and the only one that hasn’t given me issues and that has been worth the money invested so far is Fluent Forms.
The rest is forever missing something important to make it truly useful or in the case of Community – it’s still a long way from being useful and may never be useful as a standalone product without their suite of other plugins.