Forum Replies Created
Wow, didn’t know that…
I thought maybe you also make it available on your web site, so I looked for a download section on your site but couldn’t find any, and the download links for the free versions on your site points to I’ll be patient and await the review team’s stamp of approval…I think it does – thanks.
I’ll install the theme update as soon as it becomes available and mark this as resolved – how long does the “ theme review” normally take, approximately?
Great – thanks.
On a somewhat related note… can you please explain/elaborate very briefly on how the Virtue Toolkit and the Virtue Theme “play together”. For example, assuming one has the toolkit installed, which page-contact.php is actually being “used” by a running site?
FYI, I installed the Virtue Toolkit 2.6 update and the problem is still there.
I don’t know if the Virtue Toolkit 2.6 update was supposed to have fixed this (its release notes seem to indicate something along those lines) or if an update to the theme itself is needed, so I just wanted to let you know…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Portfolio Item – no custom fieldsThanks – I installed the toolkit update, and there they are, the custom fields in portfolio items!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Post Category vs Portfolio Item TypeThanks!
I now see the “Portfolio Permalink Base” setting in your online documentation.
If I have other portfolio types, unrelated to sport races, I would still end up with that “race” base in the urls, though. I don’t know if it is, or would be, possible but I think it might be nice to be able to specify when editing a portfolio type “omit the portfolio base” in the permalink in urls to portfolio items of this type.
Anyway, thanks for your elaboration.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Post Category vs Portfolio Item TypeSo I am trying using the Portfolio concept to present the sail races. And I may also have other types of races in the portfolio, e.g. “bike races”.
I create a bunch of portfolio items, set their portfolio type to “sail race” and I create a custom page “Sail Races” which uses the “Portfolio Grid” as page template and it filters to display only portfolio items of type “sail race”. And it all looks great.
The url of each individual sail race is/becomes[sail-race-slug], which I guess is to be expected since a sail race is a portfolio item after all.
But, it would be really nice if I could cause replace the “portfolio” with “sail-races” (or “sail-race”) in the sail race urls, i.e. so they would be[sail-race-slug] (or[sail-race-slug]).
Is that possible? Using Virtue functionality or using WordPress functionality?
I am operating with a child theme so I have the powers of/in functions.php available…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Post Category vs Portfolio Item TypeThanks, much appreciated. I (novice) hadn’t considered the time aspect of things.
Say there are 30 sail races, many of which already occurred. And a few in the future. I think in my case the date of when things get posted/added to the site is not so important but the date when the sail race occurred is. If I use blog posts using category “sail race” I think I could set or modify the “published date” to be the date of the sail race, a date in the past, to perhaps get some functionality from that.
Portfolio being “more about showing past work” and in my case the work is the sail races I may have participated in and want to present.
I guess the similarities I mentioned in my original post and am thinking about, is perhaps the grouping aspect – either way allows one to group and present similar items in some way.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Post Category vs Portfolio Item TypeKadence Themes Member answered in
One main thing would be if sail races are time sensitive.A portfolio isn’t something where a date is an important part, especially an posted date. Where as a post is something that is date sensitive. And a posted date could be important.
For example with your sail race, one of the important things would be when was this posted, when is the race. vs a portfolio post of an illustration that you created. it’s more about showing past work and you can have a project date in the details but it’s not front and center.
Some other things to consider, portfolios don’t have a sidebar option for the post. They also don’t show an author info unless you manually add in the description. And general layout, portfolios and posts are laid out differently.
All this isn’t really what Dddt was talking about though, his had to do with showing portfolio posts and blog posts together I think.
Kadence Themes
——Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Category to Portfolio?Sorry to add to a resolved thread…
>Post categories are not the same or interchangeable with portfolio types
For a novice (like me) there seems to be similarities, though. And I wonder if you could elaborate when one could/should use post categories vs. when one should use portfolio types.
For example, say I have list of sail races I want to present. I could create a post for each sail race and use a category “sail race”. And then have a page showing just the posts in the “sail race” category.
Or, I could create a portfolio item for each sail race and use a portfolio item type “sail race”. And then have a page (using page template Portfolio Grid) showing the “sail race” portfolio items.When would one use one or the other? It would be great if you could give some recommendations…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Feature Page Slider ImagesGreat, thanks. That was going to be my next suggestion – if it only applies to the Feature page template, then only display it when that template is selected (you already display many/most metaboxes depending on which page template is selected).
On a somewhat related topic, the “Featured Image” one can specify for any page (I believe the “Featured Image” is a WordPress think, not a Virtue thing, right?) – which Virtue page templates, if any besides Feature, renders such a “Featured Image”, if one is specified?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Contact page template – always emits jquery validationOK.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Contact page template – always emits jquery validationNo, regardless whether one is using a map or not.
When using Virtue’s page template “Contact” and one elects not to use your contact form in that page template, then there is no need for you to pull in jquery validate. Nor call .validate on a then (hopefully) non-existent element with id contactForm.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] icons in free version not in premium version?Thanks.
So when I upgrade from free to premium, I will also need to remember to update icon references…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Bootstrap versionThanks for elaborating.
I am perhaps coming from a slightly different angle to this theme than most others. The site I am working on has several non-blog pages and one of the primary reasons I chose Virtue as theme is that it is Bootstrap-based. I want to be able to use Bootstrap and its functionality in the content area, preferably any and all Bootstrap functionality and the latest version of Bootstrap. You as a theme author and theme provider may not need all of Bootstrap and may not need the later/latest version, but for me as a user of Virtue it is great to have all of Bootstrap (and latest version) in my toolbox for the html I author for the content area of “custom” pages.Regarding loading up the latest version of Bootstrap, as I mentioned before, it seems like I could get into a mess real quick, especially since Virtue has made some customizations and expects certain styling of the Bootstrap classes. If I override/replace your version of Bootstrap with my (or the latest) version of Bootstrap then those expectations that Virtue has are broken.
You say that Virtue is not built to use all of Bootstrap. Are you saying that all of Bootstrap 3.0.0 is not included in virtue.css?
If so, I think, as a feature, it would be great if Virtue had an option to use the full version of Bootstrap. Virtue, the theme, may not need all the styling available in Bootstrap, but the user of Virtue may want to be able to use it in the html authored to be placed in a Virtue-themed site – maybe some parts of Bootstrap is customized to Virtue’s liking but at least nothing would be stripped out. I don’t know how difficult for you it would be to build one “stripped” version (like you do now) and one “complete” version where no Bootstrap functionality is stripped out. If it is not too complicated to do so, then a “Use Full Version Of Bootstrap” option in Theme Options could be used to control which of the two versions of virtue.css would be used.