10 years, 6 months ago
M-m. Where should I add it in style.css and instead of what?..
I think it’s Ether Builder or ZOOM Builder, because anoter plugins don’t make any effect on front-end. So what should I do with .entry-title, .entry-title a, .page-title {display:none}? Find this entries in style.css?
The page I saw it is And there is a strange margin on every new page (not post).
Works again). What about my issue, did you check thread?
Great job! All works perfectly. May be look at my thread, where I asked one question? ??
I updated, but it didn’t helped. ?? It isn’t actually my site. My friend asked my to install some plugins and customize a little, but I saw this…
Have the same error after update up to 3.0.0.