Forum Replies Created
Thanks, looking forward to the update.
Sorry, not quite true what I posted above. Just checked page with 7 posts and the ‘load more’ shows even though I set it to show after 12 posts. On a page with 6 posts it doesn’t show. It looks like it is quite random?
I have the same issue.
I found when exactly it happens – where the total number of posts in category is one less than posts_per_page set in shortcode. So for example if I set it to 3, than on a page with 2 posts and 3 posts the load more button will show too. On page with 1 post it won’t.
How to fix this??I found when exactly it does it – where the total number of posts in category is one less than posts_per_page set in shortcode. So for example if I set it to 3, than on a page with 2 posts and 3 posts the load more button will show too. On page with 1 post it won’t.
How to fix this??I have the same problem, even after recent update. on some pages on initial load the button is visible although there are no more posts to show (total is less than I set in shortcode). Is there a workaround to this?
Also when there is exactly the same amount of posts as set in shortcode, the button shows, after clicking dissapears, which is bad user experience. It looks like the class .done is only applied when there is much more posts than set per page and you click to load more, then it works fine
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PostRatings] Custom images do not show in WP AdminYes, I made all images as gifs, but they do not show in WP-Admin as a choice
When I replced existing starts with my images, new images show fine on an article page, but this will get overwritten during update, so I would rather use custom folderForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Storefront] How to edit text in cart in headerthank you! both fixed now
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Problem with catalog imagesThe images were much bigger than the custom sizes.
It seems to work now for new images after I ticked ‘hard crop’ in woocommerce settings – I thought that functions.php would overwrite it anyway? Anyway, It works only for new uploaded images (regenerate didn’t help because the paths were wrong), but randomly some odd image again doesn’t work. Very weird. Is there any reason for that? How big the original images have to be?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Problem with catalog imagesI am using Storefront theme and created custom child theme for it. Is Storefornt changing catalog image? shop_single works fine, it is the shop_catalog that has no effect.
Great thanks, stupid mistake!
It displays fine regular price now, but when I have product in the loop that has sale price, I receive Notice:
“Trying to get property of non-object” for this line:
$product = new WC_Product($p->ID);
and the price displays as 0.00What am I missing?
Here is my updated code:
global $p;
$product = new WC_Product($p->ID);
echo wc_price($product->get_price_including_tax(1,$product->get_price()));
?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: get_permalink doesn't work after moving the siteThank you both for so quick replies.
Disabling plugins or theme wouldn’t help, everything was working fine on a testing server, and the ‘get_permalink’ code just stopped working after moving site to the new server and new domain. The way the URLs are dispalyed now is:<?php echo get_permalink(17); ?>
(but only those were I used get_permalink in the template, all other links work absolutely fine)All old URL instances in a database has been replaced (I used Duplicator plugin).
After moving the site I resaved the permalinks in Settings, would that fall into what Timtohy has suggested? I do not have access to .htaccess file using ftp, although my ftp is showing hidden files, I do not have access to control panel (client’s server), and host is saying the file is visible, but I still can’t see it, even when they changed permissions to 777All friendly urls and links are working on the site, just apart those put manually in the template using get_permalink code
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: get_permalink doesn't work after moving the siteAlso maybe worth mentioning, I can’t see .htaccess file, even though I have hidden files option enabled in my ftp, tested it on other ftp clients and still can’t see the .htaccess file (I can see this file on any other server). Host says the file is there. I don’t know why I can’t see it. Can it be connected with issue above?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cyclone Slider] Duplicate slides and navigation problemOh, and I tried the
remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');
solution, and it didn’t helpPerfect! Thank you for quick update, it works fine now!
If anyone has the same problem: Use development version and these settings: Version 2 and Load in footer.
I have the same problem, has anyone got any solution??? No one seems to be replying on this forum