Forum Replies Created
Thanks for answering.
I will investigate it.
I detect divergences in CPanel, PHP.ini and .htaccess with respect to EA-Php74 and Alt-Php74. I have reconfigured everything (all I can see) to Alt-Php74. Although obviously I can’t restart the server to check it …
Sorry, I zoned out to leave this comment. I dont know how to remove it.
I apologize.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugins Garbage Collector (Database Cleanup)] Plugin Error(Sorry for bad english)
Yes, please fix this!
Quite a few people have their wp-config.php file in a level above public_html for security reasons.
Can you improve the code to contemplate this eventuality?
On Otherwise, changing the pgc-ajax.php file no longer works, you have to move wp-config.php to the root public_html each time, which is very annoying.
This plugin is a great idea, you do a great job helping us maintain our installs operative.
Thanks for this great plugin!Yes, I knew the difference between Notice and Fatal Error. Anyway, the explanation is a very useful reminder.
I apologize for my overly strict notion of a clean debug.log file.
Thanks very much for your help and your kind attention!
(and sorry for my poor english)(Again, sorry for my poor english)
Many thanks for your attention.
PHP version is 5.
My host provider says they offer only 32 Mb of memory. I know this is a very common feature for shared accounts. An I agree with they: “32MB should be reasonable for any shared hosting script”.
Maybe some script or function of your plugin really reach more than 32 Mb?
I thinked it was a matter about my theme, but the problem reproduces with the default wp theme.
I’m very cautious resizing images, scripts and other files, just to avoid this issue with the RAM use.
I’ve seen in some forums that it could be a bug in WordPress about this question, maybe a some years ago problem and still unresolved. Who knows.
Also, I’m going to delete and reupload all the WordPress files.I had forgotten to mention that I’m using your plugin -the shortcode- not in a page, but in a pair of sticky posts. And it works, despite your instructions. May this can be the cause of the problem?
I could try with another plugin, but I think is interesting to find the origin of the problem, probably I will learn something.
Sorry for make you waste your time with it, and thanks again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Exclude sticky post from navigation in single.phpOops…
It seems that this don’t work. I got too much excited hastily.
Nevermind, I hope the WordPress team will solve this one day…
Maybe I will investigate a bit. Curiosly I’ve observed the fact that previous_post_link shows the link to the first sticky post at the end of navigation, when viewing the last post. However, next_post_link does not show this same first sticky post at the beginning of navigation, when viewing the first post (I mean inside the sequence of the same category or subcategory).
All this seems to be related to some lines in the file wp-includes/link-template.php. I’m going to ‘googling’ again about the functions inside that file, maybe a little hack is possible…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Exclude sticky post from navigation in single.php(sorry again for my poor english)
@ esmi:
Thanks, I appreciate your help, really. Unfortunately, I’ve tried yet your suggestion, via a custom query, with no luck. With a lot of variants (wp query, myquery, inside and outside the loop, with $args like post_not_in, etc.) Don’t work.@ ancawonka:
You’re my angel!! I think you really suggest an ingenious solution, with a lot of sense! Changing the publishing date of the post… I like it! Not very orthodox, neither perfect, but probably efficient enough. I hope… If the sticky posts goes to the beginning of the navigation, not in the middle, I will feel better.
I’ve thinked yet about something similar, but without an exact knowledge, no concisely.
I’ve also thinked yet about the second solution, more concisely, but -call me stubborn if you want-, I didn’t want to renounce the use of the wp sticky functionality.
Well, I don’t know exactly how to change the publishing date of a post, but I’m sure I will find it through a google search, when I have the time.
Thank you very much!P.S. to WordPress developers: please, when you have the time, make the sticky function a little more compatible with the rest of functions… Anyway, I still think WP is a great platform!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Exclude sticky post from navigation in single.phpIs anyone there…?
Well, I think that if WordPress team still bet on the sticky post feature, here is an interesting situation to consider. I know, I’ve ‘googled’ for days and tried to adapt the common solutions to the common problems related to sticky posts (not a wide range, a lot of blogs repeats the same few ideas and solutions), and It seems that the sticky feature has not been fully tested, it must get better at compatibility with other WP functions…
There is no doubt it’s a feature that could make WP a platform with a greater potential.
In the meantime, maybe somebody can suggest an ingenious solution or alternative way I cannot see now…