Thank you, bdbolin, I kept refreshing this page, but never saw your response til now…thanks, Firefox!
I had tried to create my own template a few times, but got big error message. Just taking out the header took out something else, I guess.
To help others:
I thought it would be cleaner to do it by finding a direct php, but ended up hacking the whole thing and just hiding what I didn’t want in the css. ??
Like so: .page-id-122 .hentry {width:960px; padding: 18px 18px 18px 5px;}
It took a couple of hours to 1. Find the right css id – this is a huge, complicated one- and 2. Trial and error to change it for this page only.
This was a helpful thread:
And since the background color was custom embedded, I got this plugin to adjust that: