Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Creative Commons Configurator] 404 on fresh installI use HostNine.
As far as renaming the plugin: I installed the CC Icons font as a workaround, but I will try and let you know next time I have the chance to test it, if it would be useful to you. I’d like to contribute if it would enable other users with similar difficulties to apply the CC license to their WP content.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Creative Commons Configurator] 404 on fresh installLooks to be a problem that’s only affecting me, so no point wasting too much time over it.
Actually, I’m getting this error too.
Would it be better for me to start a new thread or…?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp nav menu includes span tags that are not in wp_nav_menu.phpGreat catch. Thank you very much.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp nav menu includes span tags that are not in wp_nav_menu.phpI’m using Menu Icons. Searching for ‘span’ and ‘items_wrap’ in the repository yields nothing, unfortunately.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp nav menu includes span tags that are not in wp_nav_menu.phpre: your first post
There doesn’t appear to be anything in the codex that answers my question. If I’m missing something, would you mind specifying where I should be looking please? It doesn’t appear to mention how span tags can inexplicably appear in menu items.re: your second post
I’ve already added a specific span. It’s the “menu-link” that appears in the html. That I can account for. I just don’t understand where the other span, which has no associated class, nor php that can explain its presence in my menu items.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All pages yield 404 errorThe problem seems to have resolved itself somehow. I can’t explain how.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child theme style has no effect on front endThe lesson here is: Don’t use cPanel to edit your child theme stylesheet. Or, if you do, don’t let it stick the encoding line in there.
Nevermind. Found the answer elsewhere. Since I can’t see how to delete this thread myself, I’ll just mark as solved and hope someone else can do it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Header and Footer Scripts] Javascript added to Header is commented outWhat plugin did you use?
Thank you.
Not sure if this site helps, but here’s where I got the idea:
https://toddmotto.com/mastering-svg-use-for-a-retina-web-fallbacks-with-png-script/Relevant .js
function supportsSVG() { return !! document.createElementNS && !! document.createElementNS('https://www.w3.org/2000/svg','svg').createSVGRect; } if (supportsSVG()) { document.documentElement.className += ' svg'; } else { document.documentElement.className += ' no-svg'; var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); var dotSVG = /.*\.svg$/; for (var i = 0; i != imgs.length; ++i) { if(imgs[i].src.match(dotSVG)) { imgs[i].src = imgs[i].src.slice(0, -3) + 'png'; } } }
Sorry. I’ll try to clarify: What I’m looking for is an addition to the WordPress media library fields associated with an SVG file that the plugin code recognizes as the path to the alt PNG, when filled out correctly.
So looking at an SVG’s attachment details would go something like:
PNG alt path
Alt Textetc.
Or if there’s something else to that effect.
I ask because I want the logo on my site to be an SVG with a PNG alt, but short of altering the theme PHP or .js files, I have no direct way of doing that.
Hope that’s a little clearer. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Feed Burner Plugin: invalid header in wp 2.8ozmichael –
How do you do that, exactly? I can’t even find feedburner in my blog’s dashboard/plugins, yet WordPress tells me it’s already uploaded.