17 years, 8 months ago
ozh, thanks.
Same box, i did some changes to, but nothing happened…
wp-cache was recording cache…but i think the pages stills dynamic. I think it doesn’t work with certain plugins, am i right?
19 years ago
is not in theme, nofilmeschool, is index.php of your root… not index.php of your theme.
19 years, 1 month ago
err…post in post.
i mean, now google video have new feature “put it in your site”
just a HTML code, but it does not work in wordpress.
Any idea? I really like navigation, want to make some similar menu…
well, see the code in this site. <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 1.5.2″ /> <!– leave this for stats –>
of course is wordpress. with some mods, but it’s so hard to make this in CSS?
Than you Viper. Now it’s working ??
search is not working here…page 2 of “comments” tag, not loading :S
slide show? i don’t get it…
But yes, i want to show one post per page, and i want the 20 comments showing in the main page, i don’t want link like “comments” “comments 1” etc.
i’ll search again viper, thanks
it doesn’t work any other idea?