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  • …and all of the above are errors new to 2.5.

    No, they’re not. Lots of people had similar problems with 2.3, 2.2, and 2.1. Essentially, it’s some kind of issue with your browser or installation. Why? Well, two reasons… a) it works fine for me in Firefox and b) it’s always some kind of server problem. Usually it’s because the webserver doesn’t much like ajax calls for some reason.

    Sorry, I should have said “…and all of the above are errors new to 2.5 for me, I’ve been using WordPress for 18 months now and have never had this problem” ??

    So… is there a formal mechanism for reporting these as bugs such that they get fixed? The “you the user are the problem” Jedi Mind Trick just doesn’t cut it with me, I’ve been around too long ??

    Every other application that makes AJAX calls seems to be working OK today, including some others in WP2.5. Next excuse? ??

    Cheers, Andrew


    I should have added – I am unable to replicate any of the above errors in Opera 9.24 under OSX except for the “specified file failed upload test” one.

    Under Opera, there is an additional issue – the insert image popup (from Add Media Add an image) does not allow me to insert an image into a post at all – the Gallery tab shows the image after the “upload test” error, but does not contain an “Insert image into post” button.

    Cheers, Andrew


    I use FireFox under OSX – the visual editor seems to have a number of issues that any amount of cache-clearing and refreshing don’t seem to be helping.
    – the insert link popup is blank
    – the insert image popup (from Add Media Add an image) has the same “specified file failed upload test” issue that was mentioned in another thread.
    – insert image popup (from Add Media Add an image) is resizing images to not more than 300 pixels wide
    – the edit image information popup (icon in the main editor toolbar) is blank
    – on edit posts seem to be losing linefeeds in the rich editor.

    Permissions are the same as they have always been, and should have been. I’ve used this interface in various blogs a couple of hundred times in the last 12 months or so, and all of the above are errors new to 2.5.

    Screenshots of some of the above at
    (please delete the URL if it contravenes forum rules)

    Cheers, Andrew

    New to the forums here… so someone tell me where else to go if this is the wrong place. Alex’s advice is for anyone having a problem to come here – so here I am ??

    I’ve been looking for a place to appeal to WordPress Mobile Edition template owners to please configure the sucker to:
    a) allow posts to be actually read instead of listed,
    b) allow subscription to their RSS feed from within the template,
    c) in the event of not being able to do the above, allow the template to be exited such that (a) and (b) can take place.

    I’ve been contacting blog owners off and on for the last month or so – some have fixed it, some have given up on the Mobile Edition template, and some have ignored the request.

    I guess the next step is to just blog about it ??

    Cheers, Andrew

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