Fabiola Ferreira
Forum Replies Created
Oi Daniel, muito obrigada pelo contato!
Usava a vers?o anterior do wp, 5.3, sempre atualizo assim que ficam disponíveis.
Mas acredito que o problema de compatibilidade mesmo seja com o woocommerce. Atualizei para o mais recente, 4.0. Infelizmente, li que o downgrade do mesmo é arriscado, pode desconfigurar a loja. Ent?o, sigo sem solu??o.Desejo todo o sucesso ao seu projeto. Ficarei super feliz com sua visita lá na loja, é de uma amiga! Por enquanto está finalizando as vendas por wahtsapp.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Brazilian Market on WooCommerce] Problemas com o endere?o de entregaOlá Felipe, tudo ótimo e você? Obrigada pela ajuda!
Eu já usava o dos Correios + PagSeguro e estava tudo perfeito, até ontem que o sistema me exigiu a instala??o do WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil.
Agora com todos juntos, os endere?os est?o apresentando esse problema.. e o cálculo do frete n?o é finalizado. Aparece “N?o existem métodos de entrega disponíveis. Certifique-se de que o seu endere?o foi preenchido corretamente, ou entre em contato conosco se precisar de ajuda”, sendo que as áreas de entrega já estavam configuradas e funcionando perfeitamente antes.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Udyama] Sticky HeaderOMG, it works perfectly!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Udyama] Sticky HeaderHello Jarret..
I’m still lost! It’s almost working, you alerady help very much! If you could just look again, please, I’ll apreciate!This is what I’m trying to do. keep all the information in just two lines..
but it seems the space for the widgets (my theme has widgets on header) is just too small
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Udyama] Sticky HeaderI need that all infos stay in just 2 lines.
The 3 last widgets are right now… but the first one, where says “R. Jo?o Pessoa, 60
sala 125 – Santos, SP” doesn’t fit and gets 4 lines!Maybe if I could enlarge the space for it..
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Udyama] Sticky HeaderGenius! It works! Thanks!
Just the size of each widget is still small =/Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Udyama] Sticky HeaderJarret.. thanks! It’s almost working! I’m trying to configurate it!
Could I please make another question?
Is there any simple way to change the proportion between logo area x widget area on header?The infos doesn’t fit because the logo area is so large!
https://oltransportes.com/I don’t now how to code .. is there a way of change it on css or using the Real-Time Find and Replace?
I’m really really gratefull for your help!
Yes, I translated the words on the program and upload the file to my site.
Must have done some mistake..What do you need?
This is my site https://prontaparaosim.com.br/guia-de-fornecedores-de-casamento-de-santosForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress account profile pictureI have the same issue! No working at all..