11 years, 2 months ago
@esmi: Why should I open a new topic for the same problem? And I think my posts answers one of papakyriazis questions, because in my opinion it is a problem with WP 3.8.
Same problem here. I tried downgrading to NextGen 2.0.33, but that didn’t fix it. So maybe a problem with WordPress 3.8…
Note: I downgraded NextGen back to V2.0.33, but that didn’t solve the problem. So it seems an issue with WordPress 3.8
11 years, 3 months ago
That just made it worse. Same problem as before, but now I only have one big column instead of four.
Same problem here: The columns start only after the menu items.
Firefox 25.0.1, Win7 X64 In IE everything is fine.