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  • Same issue for me.
    I use reCaptcha V2 and sometimes the checkkox doesn’t appear on field.
    temporarily, i modified plugin file : /cf-anti-spam/fields/recaptcha/field.php
    In this file, i commented the followed lines :

    /*$script_url = "" . $language;
    if (!empty($field['config']['recapv']) && $field['config']['recapv'] === 1 ) {
    	$script_url = "" . trim($field['config']['public_key']) . "&hl=" . $language;
    wp_enqueue_script('cf-anti-spam-recapthca-lib', $script_url);*/


    function init_recaptcha_<?php echo $field_id; ?>(){
    	var captch = $('#cap<?php echo $field_id; ?>');
    	<?php if (!empty($field['config']['recapv']) && $field['config']['recapv'] === 1 ) { ?>
    		grecaptcha.ready(function() {
    			var captch = $('#cap<?php echo $field_id; ?>');
    	      	grecaptcha.execute("<?php echo trim( $field['config']['public_key'] ); ?>", {action: 'homepage'}).then(function(token) {
    	          $('<input type="hidden" name="cf-recapv-token" value="' + token + '">').insertAfter(captch[0]);
    	<?php } else { ?>
    		grecaptcha.render( captch[0], { "sitekey" : "<?php echo trim( $field['config']['public_key'] ); ?>", "theme" : "<?php echo isset( $field['config']['theme'] ) ? $field['config']['theme'] : "light"; ?>" } );
    		// Only load grecaptcha.execute if it's set to invisible mode.
    		<?php if ( !empty( $field['config']['invis']) && $field['config']['invis'] === 1 ) { ?> grecaptcha.execute(); <?php } ?>
    	<?php } ?>
    jQuery(document).on('click', '.reset_<?php echo $field_id; ?>', function(e){
    	init_recaptcha_<?php echo $field_id; ?>();
    //refresh it every 2 minutes.
    setInterval(function () { init_recaptcha_<?php echo $field_id; ?>(); }, 2 * 60 * 1000);
    init_recaptcha_<?php echo $field_id; ?>(); */

    then i added to my page :

    <script src=""
            async defer></script>
    <script defer>
            var CaptchaCallback = function(){
                grecaptcha.render('XXXX', {'sitekey' : 'YYYY'});

    XXXX is the ID of field div (g-recaptcha, ex: capfld_5265992_1 for me) and YYYY is the site key.

    It’s works like that, however i hope plugin author fix the issue later…

    Thread Starter f-ls



    Thanks for your reply.

    OK it’s works when I publish a new private custom post from backoffice but not with the frontend form (
    It seems to be a conflit with Pods frontend form.


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