I found the problem that he gets heading_row from last new form added
and if the last form has 2 username, so the csv will have heading for 2 username username__1, username__2
also if latest form added had 1 username (username__1), so heading_row will have only 1 username (username__1) as in the same time there is another rows has more that 1 username
I fixed this by sorting the heading_row by the length of value to get the highest row to have the most length in form_value
line 81,82
instead of
$heading_row = $cfdb->get_results("SELECT form_id, form_value, form_date FROM $table_name
WHERE form_post_id = '$fid' ORDER BY form_id DESC LIMIT 1",OBJECT);
to be
$heading_row = $cfdb->get_results("SELECT form_id, form_value, form_date FROM $table_name
WHERE form_post_id = '$fid' ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(form_value) DESC LIMIT 1",OBJECT);
I hope if you have a better solution
thanks for your great plugin
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by ezako.