Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Working with other browsersI’m sorry, but does anyone have any other ideas?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Working with other browsersOkay, I took out the iframe so currently there’s no shoutbox…but I still seem to be having the same problems. Could there be something else, by any chance?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Img src tag allowed in comments?Ah, thanks for the link! I know it seems obvious, but I didn’t know how to write that in using the php abbreviations…thanks. =)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Div placement/putting elements togetherLooking back I see I was a bit vague, and I’m sorry. I always forget about specifying which browser…yes, I use IE. And I am talking spatially and don’t want my sidebar to be below the content; I want the content and sidebar to be side-by-side, like, for example, this: https://www.jdijkstra.net/index.php
If you look at my website now it’s a total mess, but I think it’ll be easier to see the structure of the layout. Currently, there’s a big, unmarked yellow header followed by the content posts, then the sidebar, and then the purple footer. As far as fitting in with my background, things are going great. The width of each div is perfect, and it’s aligned fabulously now that I got rid of the lone table tag. I know that when you click on a post and go to the comments section it’s messed up, but that’s okay–I’m not going to worry about that until later.
I just want the sidebar to begin opposite of “Test”. There are currently no images in any element, so I don’t think that’s affecting the sidebar’s placement below the content. I before mentioned urbangiraffe.com’s suggestion of the float to do this, but it seems a lot of people disagree with it. Is there some PHP code I could use to achieve a side-by-side scheme, then? Any other suggestions?
Thank you for your patience.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Div placement/putting elements togetherThank you , vkaryl. I have doublechecked my sidebar, index, and css files for graphics and limitation. In style.css I have a sidebar width of 176 pixels. I didn’t think I had any images exceeding that size in my sidebar, but just to make sure I completely wiped the sidebar of all but a single line of text that I’m positive is less than this. However, I am still seeing the sidebar line up underneath the content:
Is there some default PHP line in the index that would exceed 176 pixels? Again, I apologize for asking so many questions.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Div placement/putting elements togetherI’m sorry — I know it’s pretty likely that I am wrong here — but I think you are actually referring to my header. I have a very big image as my header right now because I don’t know how to merge smaller images together in a theme yet; obviously, I’m having enough trouble already with the basics!
I’ve checked my different pages and I don’t think there is any code in my sidebar before the author tag (the first thing visable). I’m sorry, but could you please be a little more specific when referring to “that something”? It still looks to me as if the sidebar will not start until the content ends. I added another post to try and make it a bit more noticeable…if there was a hidden image in my sidebar, wouldn’t it stay the same size and the text, therefore, remain in the same spot? The top of it moved to align with the last post.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Div placement/putting elements togetherMonika, thank you so much for responding! Lol, I actually don’t regularly use tables, so when I was copying things from tutorials I didn’t even recognize that hr code… Thanks, that saved me a lot of time! =)
Okay, so that means there’s only one more thing I need to ask about before I’ve got a hand on things and can leave you guys in peace! It’s, again, the fact that my sidebar and content don’t begin at the same time. I’ve been following the tutorial from urbangiraffe.com and he says: “The reason we float anything is that a div is a block-level element. When a browser renders this it adds an automatic line break, putting the next element underneath. By floating the first element (the content) we prevent this happening, and the sidebar can then appear to its right, rather than underneath.”
According to this it seems I need to float something for both the sidebar and content to begin simultaneously, but when I tried it had no effect. I think it’s because for my divs to fit into my background I had to use pixels instead of percentages, and it seems floats work best with broad terms. Is there another way to begin the sidebar and content at the same time besides the float option?
Again, a million thanks for listening.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Div placement/putting elements togetherHmm…I actually haven’t fixed it yet — as far as I can see on my browser. I did get my content to fit in my background, but I was really hoping to delete these lines seperating my elements. Does anyone else see the horizontal rules or, at least, the order of my sidebar and content? Is it an obvious coding error, or have I just copy and pasted something wrong?
Oh, and thank you so much for the tip about there not being a center float, Lorelle! I will fix that right away.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Page background not showing upAh, thank you Kafkaesqui! I had just copied and pasted a general wrapper from a tutorial, and the text had a fancy sort of quotation mark the computer didn’t recognize. Now the background image is showing up. Thanks! All I need to do now is align everything, lol.