Mathieu Chartier
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] This is not ACFThe ACF plugin has been stolen by, and renammed as SCF.
Good morning,
Sorry, I removed the download field because this is a website in production. I put it again so you can test ( are no errors in the console for developers, especially JavaScript, and the field does not only work on Webkit (Chrome, Brave, Edge Chromium…). It works perfectly on Gecko (Firefox) for example.
I would like to point out that we do not have cache and security plugins, it is just managed directly on the server and via htaccess.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recent Tweets Widget] Widget suddenly stops workingThis plugin needs to be updated to Twitter API v2, I have the same problem as you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Date format in value attributeAlready done, but the format is always in English… I tried everything and I hope you can create a filter to edit the date format in the value attribute. I know the W3C recommandation but if people in W3C didn’t speak English, maybe they would understand the limit of this rule in certain contexts… Creating a filter would be the simplest solution, and quick to do. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Date format in value attributeSorry for my bad English! ^^
In the plugin, the date format seems to be always “YYYY-MM-DD” in the “value” attribute (in the <input type=”date”…/>). Would it be possible to add a filter to edit this format? I need to get the date in the French format (“DD/MM/YYYY”). It’s fine in the email body (with the shortcode [_format_xxx “d/m/Y”]) but the value in the input stays in the English format, and I can’t edit it. ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Excerpt Generator] Auto-generated excerpts not workingHi,
It’s very strange. I tested this functionality on several websites before answering you and it works. :-S
What version of WordPress are you working on?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress WP-Advanced-Search] Multisite SearchBonjour,
Non désolé, le plugin n’est pas prévu pour rechercher dans plusieurs tables de plusieurs sites en même temps. L’idée est bonne mais techniquement, il faudrait que je modifie l’ensemble du système de gestion des requêtes en base de données. J’ai commencé à réécrire un moteur de recherche en PHP de mon c?té pour permettre plus de choses, dont du multitable (sur un même domaine pour le moment), mais comme ?a ne fait pas manger son homme, ?a pourrait prendre des mois à sortir, avant de devenir même un plugin WordPress en remplacement de celui-ci… ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Planification - WP-Planning] Lien cibeBonjour,
En théorie, le lien ouvre l’article planifié de WordPress. Effectivement, c’est à l’origine dans une nouvelle page mais l’idée de la lightbox n’est pas mauvaise. Le seul souci est d’ordre technique, car toutes les lightbox ne fonctionnent pas de la même manière, et souvent, il faut que le contenu soit dans la page pour que la lightbox le charge.
Ce changement pourrait impliquer plusieurs petites modifications, il faut voir ?a…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Excerpt Generator] Automatic post’sHello, this is not planned at the moment because there are far too many plugins that should be made compatible. My priority would be to make the generator compatible with ACF’s Wysiwyg or Text content.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Filter & Combine RSS Feeds] RSS sources are not updatedHi,
Sorry for the waiting time …
I updated the plugin and normally RSS feeds update automatically now, without any problem. Updates are done when you go to the page that contains the shortcode, or in the page of the list of feed items.
Kind Regards,
Mathieu ChartierForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Filter & Combine RSS Feeds] RSS sources are not updatedHello,
Indeed, I encounter this kind of problem in some WordPress sites (but not in all …) because of WordPress CRON tasks. I am looking for a solution!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Filter & Combine RSS Feeds] Additional shortcodes?Hi,
No other shortcode is planned at the moment, I apologize. When I have more time to develop the plugin, I will try to think about that. ??
Kind regards,
MathieuForum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Linkedin Share Links ProblemI have already made changes to my site, but I have configured OpenGraph tags. Take the example of my last article: The tags are correct for Linkedin, and yet I have a problem of sharing (do the test).
Same error in Linkedin Inspector, but no error with Facebook debug tool (fp:app_id is not a problem for Linkedin)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Filter & Combine RSS Feeds] “Save changes” does not workThis is not necessarily a plugin problem in reality, it is often a cache problem. I refer you to three websites that mention these problems :
– Reviews
In reply to: [WP Filter & Combine RSS Feeds] Awesome.Thank you so much. I had little time to develop it and I’m glad you like the plugin.