Thanks Claudio & Mike for your responses,
After much trial and error:
- I upgraded php from 5.5 to 5.6
- I upgraded mysql from 5.5 to 5.6
- restarted Apache for good measure
- I disabled all plugins, deleted woocommerce, and reinstalled.
After all this I still got the same error.
That’s when I read Mike’s message, so I installed Debug Bar Cron, and find that the next scheduled job is two weeks ago.
After a little more reading and researching about WordPress Cron Jobs, I added
define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
to my wp-config.php, based on the article at
Now I see “WooCommerce data update complete. Thank you for updating to the latest version!”, and my next scheduled cron job is 9 minutes ago.
I don’t yet understand how that works, but it worked so I’m happy.
It was a good learning exercise if nothing else.