Thanks @chemicloud for the suggestion. I couldn’t find error logs from my hoster, it seems they don’t let me access them. But I found the problem anyway now. It was with the Apache server settings. I found two options that fixed it for me:
First option:
First I tried a suggestion from this blog ( to disable some settings in mod_security that can cause false positives, by adding this to the .htaccess:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off <
this did indeed help and the error was gone. But I didn’t feel comfortable disabling security like this, so I went with option two.
Second option:
I found out that FollowSymLinks was disabled in the Apache server settings. The hoster I moved from had them enabled by default so I didn’t think about that with the new hoster. After I enabled this in my hosters options panel, the whole shebang worked again.
So, in the end it was the server and not me, meh … ??
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by EveK.