• PODS itself is great, this looks like crap, the only thing it seems to do is prevent proper editing of “POD Pages” as the template selection and other fields are gone!

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  • Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    Can you clarify further? Pods Alternative Cache doesn’t modify these areas of the UI, it just adds additional caching capabilities.

    Thread Starter Dennis Bareis


    I disabled all plugins, enabled pods, the template selection and other fields were available. I then enabled the cache plugin and tried to edit the pod’s page and again the required field was gone, I’ll take some screen shots if you like…

    I only care about the “Page Template” field but I think the fields groups “Page” & “Pod Association” were both gone.

    Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    Have you tried going to Pods Admin > Settings > Clear Pods Cache to ensure the cache was cleared and it’s loaded everything it needs to after activating the Pods Alternative Cache plugin? That could be a potential way to determine if this was a caching issue itself.

    Thread Starter Dennis Bareis


    Clearing the cache and refreshing the page didn’t make the missing controls appear.

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