Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: LivePress Support for other LiveJournal & Deadjournal ClonesI can’t help but wonder if posting this on EVERY Live+Press related thread is a bit much. :\
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp-mail.php seems to be open and not consistentWas this taken care of with 1.5.2?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Fantastic plugin – I love how flexible it is! Now if only I could bend the templates to my will…I’ve got them doing mostly what I want to, it’s just a matter of tweaking.
By the way, I noticed the imageLink(x) makes it a square image. This results in unsightly whitespace around the image if it’s not on a white background. Could there be a way to make x specify the width or the height, but not both?
I’ve also got the row question – I have mine working in rows but I’m not sure how to make it wrap at a specified number of cells per row. I could see a sort of foreach-type statement doing something like that, maybe – “for every four items, make a new row” – does that make sense?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: LivePress & 1.5?unteins, thank you SO much. I had missed the previous mentions of the bug, but that must have been exactly what my problem was, because now everything is working beautifully. I am a very happy camper. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: LivePress & 1.5?Actually I had no problems adding a journal (though I updated the lpeditjournal.php file just in case). I still have the same errors; the problem is evidently with lpextras.php – in particular it looks like it’s having trouble fetching the userpics and postable communities. Both of these worked, by the way, in the previous version; I’ve tried comparing them but because the whole LP config has been changed I can’t figure out what to do.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: LivePress & 1.5?Delighted to see the new release! Have some errors though.
I chose to have only the extras and the sync checked in my options. Here’s what I got:
Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /home/etoile/public_html/journal/wp-content/plugins/Live Press on line 121
Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/etoile/public_html/journal/wp-content/plugins/Live Press on line 15
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/etoile/public_html/journal/wp-content/plugins/Live Press on line 145
Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /home/etoile/public_html/journal/wp-content/plugins/Live Press on line 168
Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/etoile/public_html/journal/wp-content/plugins/Live Press on line 15
If I unticked the Extras option and had only Sync ticked, it didn’t give me a box to say whether I wanted to sync or not. It also, unsurprisingly, did not sync. So I seem to be having some errors in lpextras but I can’t figure them out.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove the `<p> tag in template tag the_content?Any thoughts on doing this while preserving the teaser text, folks? ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Sync LiveJournal with WPIf anybody else is curious about this, please go here for the version of LivePress that is compatible with WP
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Sync LiveJournal with WPWhoops. About to try LivePress, the replacement for the LJPlugins thingy. Nevermind…*coughcough*
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issue w/passwords, siteurl, cookiesAfter messing about a bit with vars.php and some other things, I gave up and switched everything to the journal directory. Ah well. Passwords working fine now. Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issue w/passwords, siteurl, cookiesAlso, this seems to indicate that if the cookie is set as
then it should work
which is what I had been expecting to do. I’m just not sure where to tell WP that I want the cookie to be set
instead of whatever it’s being set for.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issue w/passwords, siteurl, cookiesForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issue w/passwords, siteurl, cookiestomhanna: I migrated from MT to WP a couple of weeks ago. Because of the way I’ve set up my redirects (to preserve MT permalinks), having the WP files in the /journal directory would probably be very untidy. I do know about subdomains actually being directories, thanks. ?? I can look into putting the WP files into /journal, but…it just sounds icky.
Lorelle: I don’t actually think this is outside the scope of what WP should be able to do, although perhaps I should look into writing this as a plugin. I know there are others who have come up with this same question – I did find it buried in some old support threads but I figured I’d phrase it my own way. I think you have suggested a couple of good keywords for me though – I have an idea of where to go now.
Thanks to you both – and more suggestions are very welcome!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Remove bullets?Have you fixed this? I don’t see any bullets! You would use
list-style-type: none
in your CSS though.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to auto-bold a word every time it’s in a postMight the Text Switcher plugin do what you’re looking for? You could set the trigger text to “SET ONE:” and set the replacement text to
SET ONE:<\strong> – that should do it perhaps?