Forum Replies Created
bp_core_admin_hook() is a function
So did you create the user via the wp-admin screen or the BuddyPress register page?
The plugin only keys on
user_status = 2 AND meta_key = 'activation_key'
– which is set when you use the member facing BuddyPress /register/ page.what did you name the file? load_textdomain is looking for
as the basename0.5.0+ is for bp1.5.1+
0.3.0 “should” work on older 1.2.9
i haven’t used that plugin before – i’ll block out some time in the future and see if anything can be avoided. if that plugin author has a suggestion, please let me know. (maybe a simple hook to remove when an activity entry is modified)
I just updated the plugin for bp1.5 and included this request
Just change the priority on the add_action – located in the loader php file.
//hook on to profile page add_action( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'etivite_bp_member_profile_stats_header_meta', 1);
This plugin was just updated for bp1.5
Please read the statement on the plugin info page – this plugin is no longer being updated for current version of BP (1.2.8 was the last working version)
This plugin is no longer being updated for current version of BP (stated 1+ year ago) especially since the next release of BP will include bbPress2.0 thus rendering all functionality of this plugin obsolete.
Sounds like the activity stream behaviour has changed in bp1.5 with excerpts and something else needs to be adjusted.
There is a checkbox under admin -> buddypress – “Restrict group creation to Site Admins?”
This plugin has been updated for bp 1.5 but extends the default functionality for wp_caps and different rules (ie, max forums created, max forum admin, min days registered, min activity updates, etc)
the super admin can edit an activity status update at anytime. While I do not have a settings – you could bypass this by setting the time duration to +1 second for normal users.
v0.5.1 now includes loading the file (within the languages subfolder of the plugin)
sending the update to the repo now v0.5.0 for BuddyPress 1.5.1 and higher.
updating a change right now – v0.5.0