Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Finally did my own theme.Very cute! I like this and purple mis one of my fave colors as well. Nice job!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Add Video to your blogI have embedded QT files as test in a couple of blog posts myself, using the method described above. You don’t have very much choice about placement of the video in relation to the text of the post, that way, though.
You can have much more control over how your text wraps around your video by using HTML to create a table two columns wide and at least three rows deep. You then just pick a cell to place your video and use the EMBED code along with any other options that you want (WIDTH=x, HEIGHT=y, AUTOSTART, etc.)
<table width="440" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2">{place opening text here}</td>
<td width="215"><embed src="{video filepath/name}" width="{video width #}" height="{video height}"></embed></td>
<td width="225">place text to wrap along the side here</td>
<td colspan="2">{place ending text here}</td>
“table width=” and “td width=” can be changed to make your video & text fit together in your posting space.
The major draw back to this is that video loads everytime the post loads, but if you have a good amount of bandwidth, then this may not be a problem for you. I have found that it can slow page loading, even with ATUOSTART=FALSE, which is deadly for any kind of web site.
What I will now be using is the MightySeek PodPress plugin as it has the capability provide multiple formats of your video in a post. You can give readers the oppportunity to watch their choice of QuickTime/mpg or FLV/WMV/AVI. It also gives viewers the opportunity to download and watch your QT/mpg video off their desktop.
On top of that, this plug can be used to submit your video to iTunes as a video podcast to even further spread dsitribution of your video. Apple has a screening process, so not every video makes it online and mine has not made it yet, so I don’t know if this part works perfectly. I also use GoDaddy as a host and their very unique file structure may cause issues, but I don’t know yet.
So far, the only issue I’ve had with PodPress is that it seems to require viewers be registered and logged in OR in the process of leaving a comment in order for the Play Now function to work properly. Byt viewers can still play the video on a popup or download and watch. The author of PodPress is looking into this as I type. ??
Hope this al helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Need help with MultiplyMichael, you have no idea how glad I am as well. Now I can focus on actually using my blog(s) to show my work instead of wrassling with code.
Thanks for the support Spencer. Unfortrunately, most fourms don’t allow regular members to delete or move their own posts, and with good reason, although some will give you an infinite amount of time to edit a post or give you the possibility to contact a mod directly and request that a post be deleted or moved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Need help with MultiplyWOOO HOOO!!!!!!
I FINALLY got this problem solved. it all had to do with GoDaddy’s very unique file structure for hosting and the elimination of a “./”
Thank so much for everyon’es help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Need help with MultiplyWell, let me first say that, yes, I know I had this in “How-To’s & Trouble Shooting.” But then I saw the “Plugins & Hacks” subforum and realized that it would be more apporpriate to post my request for help here.
My intention was to delete the previous post, but I don’t see anyway to do that. There’s no “Delete” button to remove your own posts, either in the “How-To’s & Trouble Shooting” thread or in my profile. So, if anyone knows how I can delete the old post, I’ll be happy to do do as I am no stranger to forum posting ad I realize that multiple posts on the same topic as taboo.
Michael/niziol – Thanks so much for your help. I will investigate the Multiuser Edition to see if it will give me what I want.
In the interim, here is a description of my blog and what I want out of it:
1) I am a small time independent filmmaker in Upstate NY and my website as a whole is meant to be a Shamless Self Promotion tool for my projects. ?? I’d like to set up the main blog as the hoempage for the whole site, with a separate Production Diary (blog) for each project so that I can:
a) create a new Production Diary and a skin for each project to capture the essence of the project in the look & feel of the skin while maintaining an aesthetic connection to the look of the rest of the site (can’t do this with just the “Categories” function as you can’t select a new skin for each category)
b) post behind-the-scenes pics and videos right in the text of each Production Diary (believe it or not, posting videos has been the easy part! *LOL*) I’ve even been able to post a table with a video embedded in it so that I can wrap text around it and have even more control over the look of a post.2) I belong to a private group of independent filmmakers, writers, actors, etc. and I would like to set up Storytelling blogs to act as a collaborative workspace for the writers of the group. (I already know how to set levels of permission for WordPress from the Dashboard – that’s cake)
The problem is just that I can’t get other blogs to display unless they are in the same directory as the wp-blog-header.php file, so each blog’s home page cannot be named “index.php” and the Options menu in the Dashboard won’t let me select an indivudual file (like “blogname.php”) for each blog. Right now, I have to set up a separate directory just to store the index.php file for each blog, but then, when I click the “View Site” button, all I get is a blank page.
I hope my decsription of what I want from my blog(s) was helpful and, please forgive the double posts. I’ll delete the previous one ASAP or perhaps a Mod or Admin will be good enough to nuke my the other post.
I am using WP 2.0.2 with Multiply 2.0 installed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need Help with Multiply 2.0niziol, here’s the link to the page to download the latest version of the Multply plug in:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Another problem already …Got this one solved. I had to just delete the “default” post and put up a whole new one from scratch, but at least I can post to my own blog now! *LOL*