Forum Replies Created
@goatleg – no I had someone make/code it for me – still think, it’s amazing, that it’s not a possibility ??
I don’t do coding, thats why I use WordPress and plug-ins … Could you provide me with the code and where to put it? World be A Nice feature to your plugin – Visual Composer is very used ??
The developer Of Visual Composer replied: Yes visual composer is compatible with the custom post types. However, to display “event date” it needs to be registered as post meta data so it can be added as a custom field in the grid builder. If it is not a post meta data than I am afraid, it cannot be accessed.
Well – they are called Post Title and Post Experpt, and they work perfect – but my point is, that post date is NOT event date, and it is the event date I need posted on the frontpage ??
And Post Date and Event Date are not the same ??
When I make a Grid Element i Visual Composer, I can choose these elements – both the Event Title and Event Excerpt – but NO Event Date – only a post date …
marked with blue – event date – i need to know, what to write here, in order to get the event date from the events …
have a look here: have a look at this page – it is the blue column with the title “Kommende aktiviteter” … I need the event date on top of every post after “Dato:”, but don’t know how to get it …
I wich, I could send you a picture of what I mean ?? I don’t use code of any kind – I just make a custum grid element in Visual Composer, and use that in the post grid element. The Eventtitle and Event excerpt works fine, as I can choose them i Visual Composer as elements, but there is none for Event date … what to do?
I’m afraid I don’t know what to do with the get_post_custom_values – it is not data, i’m after, but the DATE of the event … as you can see on the link, I send you, only the DATE is missing – the title and text is all there … I’ve mad this column with a post-grid, and put in a custom Visual Composer element. Here I can with no troubles select the Event title, the Event excerpt as Visual Composer elements, but only a Post date – not a Event date. Therefor the custum field, which requires a “”Field key name” (Enter custom field name to retrieve meta data value.) …, teasers for the events are posted in the right column under the title “Kommende aktiviteter” – but I need a “Field key name” in order to get the dates in from the events …
Could you help me?
Visual Composer Grid element ??
Im trying to create a Visual Composer Grid element with teasers for events – the title and description is no problem – but the eventdate? I’ve put in a custom field, but can’t find the required “Enter custom field name to retrieve meta data value.” – please advice ??