4 years ago
It works ! Thanks !
I’ll try what you said about “include the required AMP component scripts to the head of your AMP for WP templates ”
What are the “required AMP component scripts” that I should try to include ?
All right, I’ll wait. I want to use your plugin in my next project. Thanks.
The video shows the plugin working on a normal page. Then I add the / amp and it doesn’t work.
– / This version of wordpress has been installed now and contains only the ampforwp and amp hamburger plugins.
6 years, 4 months ago
Restore functionality has been moved to a paid extension
8 years, 3 months ago
Thank you.
Thank you very much for your advice.
* i mean not on /wp-login but in a specific page like /login or /access
I want to make it easy for them to copy and paste the password that is sent to the email.