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  • good day dear KZeni

    many thanks for your request. This is outstanding. I really like this idea. I surely think that this is a great step towards a featurerich WP-Job-Manager with powerful functions and a very very broad use-cases-scenario.

    I really like the idea of workin on the API that helps accomplishing this project.

    Many thanks for bringing this to our awareness.

    Keep up the great work..

    hello good day dear sscoutts,

    first of all many thanks for the question.

    i am a big admirer of job-alerts which is a top-notch-tool that helps alot.
    I think it is one of the most intriguing and powerful addon in manymany regards.

    ‘But i did not understand what you mean with your question

    Hi is there a way to auto setup job alerts when I users apples for a job.

    can you explain it a bit more?

    i love to hear from you

    hello dear Apollomann good day.

    i mused some times about this thing and thought that i can give you some additonal advice. – regarding the the idea of running on a single database for multiple instances

    Well – if you want to go like this and are aiming for the following:
    creating two instances of WP on a single domain. For example,

    Like so: and ….to use a single database (same comments/posts and yes: same Participant-database-plugin that you mention – cf. )

    The simplest way of doing that is just conditionally defining the environment variables in wp-config.php like this:

    /** Define alternate home and siteurl based on $_SERVER host var */
    if ( strpos ( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'wp2' ) !== false ) {
        define( 'WP_HOME', '' );
        define( 'WP_SITEURL', '' );

    with this – i guess that is helping you in what you want to aim. i t’s considered best practice to do things like so.

    please let me know if you get stuck –

    cheers from Malaga / Andalusia / Southern Spain where the sun shines
    ever and ever

    hello dear apolloman,

    cool idea: ??

    I think you’d be better off looking for a way to access the same database from multiple sites.

    So say you’d have sites A, B, and C, all making calls to the same wp-participants site. I’m not sure if that’s easily done, but they seem to claim it is. From your link – participants-database: ( )

    The plugin can be easily adapted to work as a database for other applications such as indexes, directories, catalogs, or anything, really. The plugin uses a system of customizable templates for all its displays, and an API for the customization and extension of its capabilities. The plugin is fully internationalized with a growing set of translations.

    well that sounds pretty interesting.

    guess that there are options and methods that support the idea.

    To go into the details: From what I see, this very intersting plugin likely uses the same database as the one used by the WordPress installation, hence if we have three or let me say four different WordPress-installations on one server, they will each have their own dataset for each wp-participants-database.
    Well to be frank: Therefore, the simple answer could be – at the moment: no, there is no way / method to run two, three or even four sites on 1 instance of wp-participants-database. But perhaps the developer has got more ideas. Let us wait if he will come around with some additonal ideas.

    If we go more into the details – there could be said more: so on a more complex sight – i think that the complex answer is of course yes, there is a way / method to run two or more sites on 1 instance of wp-participants-database,

    This is – let me say a bit ambitious – but i think that it can be done.

    So i would say: if you try to tinker and tailer and modify the plugin a bit it is surely possible, but if you don’t already know how to do this, your best bet is to contact the author, and you may need to pay the author or some other experienced WordPress plugin developer to do this for you.

    Again – to be frank: i am sure that this is doable. And perhaps the developer has got some methods and ways that support exactly this aim.

    Did you check the developer-ressources allready –
    There you find plenty of information on various aspects of the participants-plugin

    hope this may help you ??

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by espanas.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by espanas.
    Thread Starter espanas


    hello dear Richard

    well – many thanks for your quick response. I am glad that you understand me.
    That is good to hear.

    i am going to figure out if it is possible.

    You know : i would save a lot of installation work and so on.

    So i try to find a sulution.

    Have a great day

    Greetings from Malaga – the nicest town in Andalusia
    It is a lovely place

    dear Airat,

    thanks for your reply…

    you write:

    You can see good example on page: /wp-admin/edit.php

    i cannot see anything, that is helping us in the optimization of the responsive design.

    regarding these goals – here some critical theses:

    Optimizing for mobile is something you should’ve done by now, but if you haven’t, it needs to be done in 2018. No excuses.

    Millions of people only use a mobile device for personal internet use, and the average time spent online via a mobile has now overtaken time spent online on a desktop. Back in 2010, not long after I got my first iPhone, the average adult in
    the US was spending 24 minutes using their mobile phone each day, while now it’s nearly three hours. In the meantime, the time spent on desktop computers has stayed static at 2.4 hours.

    Outcomes: what does this mean to us – that run WP-Job-Manager on Websites: This means that we all (and you) your site’s mobile visitors aren’t expecting a reduced experience compared to what they would get on a desktop and that they won’t be happy if that’s what they get. Back when phones were more limited or mobile signals were slow, maybe this was appropriate, but now your visitors will expect the same experience on mobile and desktop.


    conclusio: ….if it comes to Wp-Job-manager: to show the job-listings is a main goal: we should be able to see at least them on the mobile phone.

    I want to see a engaged discussion here:
    love to hear from you – and all the wp-job-manager users.

    This is a major goal – we should move forward ??


    good day dear Airat,

    Many thanks for raising this question: indeed a very very important issue:
    A interesting head-up was posted at gitub: “For mobile display: using DIV-based layout rather than a straight-up HTML table

    htdat has posted a important posting at github:

    I have noticed that the jobs dashboard has been created as a straight-up HTML table, which makes it hard to scale it back for mobile fruition.
    Would it be possible to see a DIV-based layout in the future?


    • – I do realize this would need to be coordinated with theme authors as well, though, so it’s alright if it weren’t feasible.

      – Basically this requires a huge refactor in the templates of the core plugin, extensions, and themes.

    we need to work to achieve this enhanements – in order to make the job dashboard – and the search function able to work on a mobile phone

    see more at

    BTW: I am not so familar with PHP and CSS but i am interested in a solution!!

    Airat – we should work on this. Let us discuss this with all the others. Not only we both but many many others of the global WP Job Manager community is interested in this feature. So we have to work on this!!!

    love to hear from you


    Thread Starter espanas


    hello again,

    i guess that Ninja Forms is what i have been looking for a very long time.

    to clearify this a bit more: i have some specific needs to meet.
    Does the Ninja-Form-Plugin allows me to create some (let me call it “extendable) forms?

    Example: see this form that is “extendable” :

    if you press on the ” + sign “ you can extend the search form several times.

    question: is this possible with the Ninja-Forms?

    love to hear from you


    ps – keep up the great project – it rocks!!

    Thread Starter espanas


    hello again,

    i guess that Huge-IT Form is what i am looking for.

    lets explain my needs a bit further: What can we do with Huge-IT Forms Plugin? i have some specific needs to meet.
    question: Does the Huge-IT-Form Plugin allows me to create some (let me call it “extendable) forms?

    See this form that is “extendable” :

    if you press on the ” + sign ” you can extend the search form several times.
    question: is this possible witht the Huge-IT-Forms?

    love to hear from you

    regards espana

    Thread Starter espanas


    hello dear T-P

    many many thanks for the hints: great – i will do all you advice!!!
    i cannnot login in my sites that run the newest version of wp –

    three sites only present a blank page,,,

    very interesting: all runs in vhost on a root-server.

    i have the issues on three sites on the server:

    i activated an older site – which was closed – running WordPress 4.7.8 – with the theme: “Twenty Seventeen theme”with this all works nice – and i can access the login.

    In order to get more infos about what is happening i need to see the php-error-logs

    to see this i have to change the wp-config.php file and add this too config.php


    Then i need to restart the apache and i hope i could enter again on my admin panel. ..But everytime i u use the …/wordpress/wp-login.php i receive a 404 not found

    see the sessions: #

    Session Support enabled
    Registered save handlers files user mm
    Registered serializer handlers php_serialize php php_binary
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    session.auto_start Off Off
    session.cache_expire 180 180
    session.cache_limiter nocache nocache
    session.cookie_domain no value no value
    session.cookie_httponly Off Off
    session.cookie_lifetime 3600 3600
    session.cookie_path / /
    session.cookie_secure Off Off
    session.entropy_file /dev/urandom /dev/urandom
    session.entropy_length 32 32
    session.gc_divisor 1000 1000
    session.gc_maxlifetime 3600 3600
    session.gc_probability 1 1
    session.hash_bits_per_character 5 5
    session.hash_function 0 0 PHPSESSID PHPSESSID
    session.referer_check no value no value
    session.save_handler mm mm
    session.save_path no value no value
    session.serialize_handler php php
    session.upload_progress.cleanup On On
    session.upload_progress.enabled On On
    session.upload_progress.freq 1% 1%
    session.upload_progress.min_freq 1 1 PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS
    session.upload_progress.prefix upload_progress_ upload_progress_
    session.use_cookies On On
    session.use_only_cookies On On
    session.use_strict_mode Off Off
    session.use_trans_sid 0 0

    what seems to be vers interesting is this line.

    session.save_handler mm mm

    t-p. now i will follow all your advices..

    many many thanks so far.
    i come back and report the findings.

    Thread Starter espanas


    hello dear Steve,

    many thanks for the quick reply.
    i will do so – many thanks for the great advice!

    greetings espanas

    ps – topic resolved.

    Thread Starter espanas


    hello dear Lisa,

    sure – i can do: many thanks!

    Thread Starter espanas


    hello dear Lisa,

    thanks for mailing. I want to run a app for the wp-plugin wp-jobmanager.
    with this i want to allow the user to request jobs of a jobboard – that is shown on a webpage.

    the user should run those requests via mobile

    can i do this with “your” app too?

    Love to get to know

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