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Additional images to assist. Basically if a field is conditional then it seems that (a) the plugin doesn’t enforce it being required and {b) and data response collected for a conditional field is dropped on add to cart and lost completely for the WC order.
As with my ticket about required conditional fields this problem is also linked to a field being conditional on another field.
As I see more problems posted they all seem to link back to the fact there are problems with any field type when it is conditional on a prior field.
If you test and make some fields, text, radio or anything else , conditional, you will see that any answer given in the conditional fields is dropped in the cart/checkout and back-end order page.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by esd3104.
I have updated to 1.7.3 and the “Place Order” button text still remains “Place Order” when GDP is the selected payment method – it continues to ignore changed wording for the button by editing the checkout block.
Add something to cart from here: and then go to checkout. I have left check payment option on so you can see the difference in button wording. I’m not running any cache on my stage site and I have used the browser empty cache and hard reload option and still only see “Place Order”,
After more testing I think I am also seeing what is described in
While debugging the error I tried putting in values for the conditional questions and then noticed that they are missing from the cart. I tried disabling all other plugins except WC and PPOM and the issue remains so seems to not be conflict. I tried rolling back through all versions to 32.0.2 and still the issue remains.
Here’s the entries I made on my product page:
After hitting add to cart you can see that none of the conditional fields are carried over to the cart, the data is just dropped/missing.
It appears I needed to update WooCommerce. I was running 8.5.2. Having updated to WC 8.6.1 and running PPOM 32.0.12 – everything seems to be OK.
Thanks. I will sit back and wait for a fix. No other questions at this time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] 1.7.1 Tweak – What Does this actually do?Well only 12 transactions so far but no issues with Canada or USA addresses. We’ll leave GDP on for all payments processing and see how it goes.
PS, The support for the block based checkout is also a welcome addition.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] 1.7.1 Tweak – What Does this actually do?I have updated to 1.7.2 and enabled GDP for my Canada customers only as I’m not ready to risk this with the bulk of my customers based in the USA. There are limited transactions from Canada but we’ll see what happens when I get a few.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] Canada AVS IssuesHopefully the last thought. ??
As I am trying out another processing platform, here’s an example of giving options to merchants to choose how to handle AVS responses. So, something like this would be way more useful than the arbitrary/absolute stance your implementation uses.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] Canada AVS IssuesSorry, one additional thought (I used to work in payments) ??
You should also factor in CVC2/CVV2 verification and result. If you get a post code match, but not street address, but the CVC2 match is a Y then again that might be enough for a merchant to want to accept. Sure the CVC2 isn’t the greatest security element in the world but combined with other factors can be useful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] Canada AVS IssuesThanks for the update. No other questions.
As additional info:
We use and have address verification set to “forced” so I get back what USPS says the address is and proper address abbreviations like BLVD instead of Boulevard. So unless a card issuer also normalizes addresses to USPS official data that customer is likely to constantly see declined/AVS failed.
We are a car club, so we don’t actually ship anything of “value”. In 3 years we have seen zero fraud, so transactions being declined for AVS issues just creates problems and confusion. I could happily operate without AVS and not see any issues. Sure that’s likely unusual/edge case but its true/valid for me. ??
I don’t think this September change was communicated well and the change log certainly doesn’t explain what you described above as to how impactful this could be.
Because I had 2 club members caught in the loop of being unable to match their address I had to give them a payment link to get around the issue. While the number of issues is small, trying to solve these issues is hugely time consuming. So it’s easier for me in the longer term to just pay for higher processing costs and not have this potential issue with a customer (member of the club) which is why I had to switch back to our prior processor/gateway.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] Canada AVS IssuesI figured I add context for thought.
If the street number plus post code matches, this is usually enough to confirm since street number + 5-4 ZIP is actually all that is needed as is street number + UK post code.
If you ship stuff, chances are you may use an address verification service to get the EXACT correct address e.g. as we do using the USPS API. It ensures delivery of items to use what USPS says the address is not what the cardholder *thinks* the address is.
Making AVE not match AV or AVE. or Avenue is simply creating declines for no reason that actually adds any value.
It should be possible for a Merchant to determine what’s OK. A partial AVS where the ZIP/Postcode matches (AVS Response Z, or W for example) might be “good enough” for a merchant to want to accept. You provide no options.
As noted, anyone that uses a verified address service, will experience lots more AVS declines because of your exact match requirement, and seriously confused customers who have no idea that they must remember how the address is on file with the bank which could vary slightly between banks/issuers.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] Canada AVS IssuesThanks. After the space and dash in postcode debacle I went through this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back and I am uninstalling the plugin and taking my processing elsewhere.
This is the most bizarre implementation of AVS I ever heard of and I worked for a major payment system/brand for 30 years!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] Canada AVS IssuesUpdate: It’s done it again. I do have a debug log but have now turned off GDP and replaced it with another processor.
Interestingly the WC order notes now show “This order address is Validated” followed by “GoDaddy Payments Payment Failed (AVS has a NO_MATCH result)”
As before there’s zero trace of this transaction in the online transactions dashboard at – bizarre but seems you have some issues going on somewhere.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GoDaddy Payments for WooCommerce] Canada AVS IssuesWC 8.2.1
WP 6.4.1
PHP 7.4.33
GDP 1.6.2