Forum Replies Created
Hi I am still stucked with read more button not appearing. Could you please provide me the correct code to resolve it. Thanks
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GeneratePress] How can I hide Date and AuthorAfter replacing this code its working as I want in homepage and individual posts but in categories and search still I can see Date and Author. Could you please let me know how can I hide Date and Author completely from my site.
hi, I have seen you have make the menubar and site title floating. How did you make it which plugins you have used for it? Thank you
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GeneratePress] How can I hide Date and AuthorThank you for your help. It’s working now but the category is also hidden in each post. I would like to hide Author and Date but would like to display Category in it. Could you please send me the code for it, Thankyou
And one more important thing I forget to mention, when I add this code in function.php, My posts only appear portion above the page break in all homepage, categories, and in single posts too. looks like that’s the end of the article, You can check my site and compare the English and Nepali post. Maybe you won’t understand but you can see the length of the posts.
Looks like there is some error in the code you provided me. Is it possible to provide me the code again? thank you
hi is this the correct code you gave me yesterday?
$content = apply_filters( ‘falang_translate_post_content’, $content );
Or I need to put the old code you provided me previously weeks ago?
old code is
function falang_translate_post_content($content){ if ( preg_match( '/<!--more(.*?)?-->/', $content, $matches ) ) { if ( has_block( 'more', $content ) ) { // Remove the core/more block delimiters. They will be left over after $content is split up. $content = preg_replace( '/<!-- \/?wp:more(.*?) -->/', '', $content ); } $_post = get_post(); $output = ''; $content = explode( $matches[0], $content, 2 ); if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) ) { $more_link_text = strip_tags( wp_kses_no_null( trim( $matches[1] ) ) ); } $output = $content[0]; if ( count( $content ) > 1 ) { if ( ! empty( $more_link_text ) ) { $output .= apply_filters( 'the_content_more_link', ' <a href="' . get_permalink( $_post ) . "#more-{$_post->ID}\" class=\"more-link\">$more_link_text</a>", $more_link_text ); } } $output = force_balance_tags( $output ); return $output; } return $content; } add_filter('falang_translate_post_content','falang_translate_post_content');
With new code, nothing happens but with old code, full posts are not appearing on the home page, but readers will misunderstand it as full posts because read more .text does not appear in the page break area. It looks like short and incomplete posts It looks like the end of the post.
Please let me know which code should I use. I use both code one after another and both code together too, But still cant see Read more option.
Here is how it look in the original and translated one. link to images
same thing happen to me. I am stuck now. did you resolve this issue. Please let me know . thank you
yes I am using version 1.3.27. And I had removed previously filter in function.php. So you mean now it should work without adding filter in function.php and in plugin? no need to add any filter? Then why is it not working in my site?
Or I need to put the filter somewhere?
Regarding my site translation most if the page was translated earlier too but default was in Nepali and now it is in English language with this plugin.
Hi, this is the link to the picture. Its text picture saying Sorry this pos is not available…… When I openn this image and remove text after .jpg in url I can see the original image otherwise deleted (cached) image is being displayed
Why I did not reveived follow up replies in email? I have to check it manually its hard to find the topic. Any idea please?
Hi I have updated the plugin to latestone and while updating it shows message that said read more function has been fixed. But still full post is being displayed in translated language. I tried with putting the code in function.php too but did not work.
Could you please let me know again with the steps and actual code if needed. Thanks
Thank you for your support, its fixed now. but it does not show SEO score in translated one, it just show blank space to translate the original seo score. As seo score in both language will be different. or its not available yet.Please let me know if we can fix this too.
Here is the screenshot of it.
Any way my problem is solved. If we can see seo score in translated as well it would be great.
Thank you
Thank you very much for your great support.
Yeah, I know the problem was not with any translation plugin, I am surprised too with my previous plugins, how cant they figure it out.
I think I did not make it clear in previous reply what I was trying to say.
Actually I am trying to ask those Nepali words works fine now with the code provided by you. But I have also found another code to put in function.php. Its short and easy to remember as I need to type it again whenever I change the different theme.
code provided by you was
$texturized_text = array( 'comment_author', 'term_name', 'link_name', 'link_description', 'link_notes', 'bloginfo', 'wp_title', 'widget_title', 'single_post_title', 'single_cat_title', 'single_tag_title', 'single_month_title', 'nav_menu_attr_title', 'nav_menu_description', 'term_description', 'the_title', 'the_content','the_excerpt', 'comment_text', 'list_cats' ); foreach ( $texturized_text as $text ) { remove_filter( $text, 'wptexturize' ); }
And another code I found to resolve this same issue is
add_filter('run_wptexturize', '__return_false');
And now my concern is if I use this second code will there be any other impact in my site or not. As they are different code. I have no idea so was asking a favour please.
second one is short and easy to remember so I want to be sure that I can use it instead of the long code if it will not make any other issue with my site.
Hope you get what I am trying to say.